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How long was your first outbreak?

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Sorry to have made so many forum posts lately, but since getting my diagnosis this has been one of the only places to hear about other people's experiences! So much of the info out there is confusing and contradictory. 

So my question is: how long was your first outbreak?

I recently found out I have genital HSV-1, and this outbreak has been going on for 4 weeks. It's not unbearable or anything, but psychologically it's driving me up the wall. I want to be able to have sex with my partner again! He's very understanding and patient, but both of us are eager to be done with all this. 

Most of the info I've seen says outbreaks usually last up to 2 weeks. If I'm already over that timeframe, when can I expect to start feeling normal again?!

Also, what can I do to speed up the healing process? I was put on 5 days of Prednisone, which seemed to help a little but not eliminate the sores. I've started taking a lysine supplement and use a topical lidocaine cream for the discomfort. 

This has just been such a frustrating roadblock. Everyone I've spoken to has been supportive, letting me know it's "not a big deal!" But it sure feels debilitating. 

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No apologies needed for posting, EVER! Your questions not only help you get answers, but so many others could have the same question! 

I'm sorry to hear your sores still haven't cleared up. Please know this isn't unusual for a first outbreak to linger or for it to leave different-colored skin marks where sores were (this is just new skin growth!). You said the outbreak is lasting 4 weeks-- do you mean new sores are popping up, or the original sores are just taking a super long time to heal? Also, have the cream/supplement offered any relief? 

I know it can be frustrating to wait for an outbreak to go away. However, you and your partner can still be intimate in other ways that just don't involve your outbreak area! Also, has your partner been tested for HSV? 

It will all be alright. It's not your fault, and your partner should be accepting of that. Don't be mad at your body, since the body is working hard to adjust to H. Your body is for you, not against you, even though it may not seem like it. 

Hang in there!! We are here for you! 🌻


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21 minutes ago, Flowerteacher55 said:


No apologies needed for posting, EVER! Your questions not only help you get answers, but so many others could have the same question! 

I'm sorry to hear your sores still haven't cleared up. Please know this isn't unusual for a first outbreak to linger or for it to leave different-colored skin marks where sores were (this is just new skin growth!). You said the outbreak is lasting 4 weeks-- do you mean new sores are popping up, or the original sores are just taking a super long time to heal? Also, have the cream/supplement offered any relief? 

I know it can be frustrating to wait for an outbreak to go away. However, you and your partner can still be intimate in other ways that just don't involve your outbreak area! Also, has your partner been tested for HSV? 

It will all be alright. It's not your fault, and your partner should be accepting of that. Don't be mad at your body, since the body is working hard to adjust to H. Your body is for you, not against you, even though it may not seem like it. 

Hang in there!! We are here for you! 🌻


That's helpful to hear about first outbreaks. I've been hearing that they're often the worst and can last quite a while, I just wish I knew how long to expect dealing with this!

I don't think I've been having new sores pop up, but not much has changed since I initially noticed the sores. They haven't gone away and they're still painful and itchy. I have a lot of small bumps, and then a couple of dark red spots on my skin that aren't raised. 

The lidocaine cream gives me some temporary relief, but the discomfort comes back after a couple of hours. I haven't noticed anything yet with the supplements, but I just started them yesterday!

My partner has not been tested for HSV. His doctor told him that because he's never had symptoms, it wouldn't be super informative to test him. It's his decision ultimately, but he might try to get tested with a different doctor. We're just assuming he doesn't have it at the moment.

Thank you for your kind words and knowledge! 

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