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So I have a general question, my BF and I have not had sexual intercourse yet and he has not disclosed to me that he has herpes however he sent me a picture of his penis and it appears that there are a couple places that look as if skin is peeling kinda like a sunburn. It is like this in a couple places. He is wanting to have unprotected sex and I’m wondering if herpes appears this way right before it is healed or at the end of the healing process. I have a pic of needed 



It's great that you are cautious about intimacy. It is a very special thing, and both parties must be consenting to everything about it. If you do not want to have unprotected sex, you do not have to! Regardless of STIs, you have a right to say no to unprotected sex. Your thoughts and wants and needs are valid and deserve to be heard and respected by your partner!

Have you asked him if he's ever been tested for STIs? If not, ask. You have a right to know before you are intimate. Honestly, you both can go get tested! HSV isn't a part of STI testing, however STI tests are just good to do before being with someone, for your health and theirs. The right person will willingly agree to get tested. It shows respect and kindness for you from this person 🙂!

In regards to the peeling skin, that could be do to a few things, from infection to chafing to dermatological issues. I don't recommenced you posting the picture since you don't have their consent to post it, and that would not be ethical 🙂!

Stay true to yourself and honor your mind, spirit, soul, and body. It's okay to ask about getting STI tested, and then asking the person to show you their results! 





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