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i’m so paranoid !! (22Female)

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so i’ve been OB free (HSV1G) for about a month but i still am healing skin wise & a lil soreness still down there when i sit, after finishing my first round of antivirals i requested a second dose because i was stressed out about the whole situation. my doctor didn’t recommend continuing daily dosages, but idk i’m so scared i’m not ever going to get a hundred percent better.. will i ever feel normal again? or is this my new normal.. i’ve been getting lil canker sores here and there on my tongue which isn’t anything new to me.. but ever since i was diagnosed i’ve worried about them.. i recently started a new relationship with my gf & i want to engage sexually with her but haven’t been able to because of the discomfort of healing & not being able to get waxed, as well now i have to worry about transmitting it. & idk if i should disclose or not because we already talked about STDs briefly & it wasn’t a very good conversation but this was before i was diagnosed now that i am i just don’t know what to do, i like her a lot and want to be intimate but idk i’m just drained & can’t keep worrying myself sick. i do take lysine everyday 3x a day as well 

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@bubbles9991 hello! 

I know you are worried sick and have thousands questions but I can assure you that everything is going to be fine. 🙂

For how long have you been infected and how were you diagnosed?

The good thing is that gHSV 1 tends to shed much less and recurrences are usually rare. Ask your girlfriend does she have HSV 1 orally. If she already has orally HSV 1 it is almost impossible for you to infect her genitaly. It is important for two of you to have open conversation about STD's, this is part of healthy relationship.

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I am so sorry for all of the stress you've been under. Please know you aren't bad or dirty or anything of the same. You are good. You are pure. You are worthy of love and kindness, and you have no reason to feel guilty or ashamed. 

It is normal to feel discomfort down there after your first outbreak, even after taking antivirals. The discomfort should go away soon. 

You could take suppressive medication but it's more commonly used by those who have GHSV-2 and/or have very frequent outbreaks. 

It is essential you talk to your girlfriend about this. Honesty shows respect, and you can't have a happy and healthy relationship without respect. 

I know it may be scary, and a lot of our fear comes from thinking we have a reason to be ashamed. Know and believe that you have nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, being honest to your partner can help bring you closer together because honesty is true intimacy! 

If you need help planning how to disclose, feel free to ask. You are not alone and we are all here for you! 

Sending blessings and prayers your way ☀️🕊️


@Bloomer i was diagnosed in early March, im assuming i was infected after being assaulted about 3 days prior to getting the flu symptoms and what i thought was just like chaffing irritation down there.. i was put on valtrex 2x a day for 10 days and then i got another 5 days of single doses. i was swabbed, but they did take my blood as well. (the swab was what tested positive) 



Of course, we are here for you! 

I am so sorry you experienced assault. It is not your fault and you did not deserve that. I pray you heal in the ways you need to. Getting H from and/or associating it with a traumatic event is very difficult. I have H from an abusive ex and it definitely made the emotionally healing difficult (but healing is possible! ☺️). 

You are not alone. Reach out anytime and message me if you need support. Also, we can definitely script a disclosure talk. 

Blessings ☀️🦋!!

On 4/16/2022 at 4:15 AM, bubbles9991 said:

@Bloomer i was diagnosed in early March, im assuming i was infected after being assaulted about 3 days prior to getting the flu symptoms and what i thought was just like chaffing irritation down there.. i was put on valtrex 2x a day for 10 days and then i got another 5 days of single doses. i was swabbed, but they did take my blood as well. (the swab was what tested positive) 

So sorry for what happened to you. 🙁

Getting diagnosis of genital herpes can sometimes be life consuming but with time there comes acceptance. You can live perfectly normal life with herpes and you will. Take care of yourself, eat healthy and try not to stress to much if you can.

As I said before gHSV1 tends to shed much less and has less outbreaks. Some people get only one outbreak during their lifetime. 

Take care and all the best! 🙂

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