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Has anyone here caught gHSV-1 years later after a well established hx of oral HSV-1 in choldhood?

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I have heard and read if you have a history of oral cold sores in childhood  then your immune system has built a defense against acquiring hsv-1 in other locations such as genitals. I have had classic cold sores on lips for over 20 years. Caught it on childhood many years before I became sexually active later in my 20s with my bf. I have been tested positive by blood igG for hsv1 and neg for hsv2 igG about 2 months ago. I have been faithfully married for over 10 years. My husband neither. Has oralor genital sores. Hehas only been with me. I am having genital symptoms starting a month ago of random intermittent  itching or mild burning sensation. Then 3 days ago noticed what looks like 7 smallreddish bug bites in a linear distribution on my pubic hair area on one side. This does not itch or burn or hurt. I have not shaved. I would have missed it had my pubic hair been longer but obviously was very alarmed to se this. Did I autoinoculate myself? My husband thinks it's bug bites but I don't think a bug would go for my groin and it's not itchy....I'm so scared....has anyone done this and got genital hsv1 later in life after years of having well established oral hsv1cold sores? Am I an anomaly? What do you guys think?? Please help me....



It's unlikely autoinoculation is to blame, especially because you've had cold sores for so long, and typically autoinoculation occurs during the early stages of HSV prior to when your body builds up antibodies. So this means you would have autoinoculated yourself in childhood, and you probably would have noticed sores down there at some point during your life.  

It's possible they could be ingrown hairs. When is the last time you shaved? Also, do the bumps have anything in the center of them (tiny black dot or line, or a dimple?)

Rest assured this will get figured out! 💛



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