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Final diagnosis of HSV1

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I contracted herpes in mid March.  Very painful in the genital area.  Got it from a former friend.  He was surprised when I told him.  It may have been asymptomatic.  My outbreak was swift and pretty bad.  Took Valacyclovir )as prescribed.  Better now.  Final blood revealed I have HSV1.  Outbreak occurred in my genital area.  Had another minor outbreak a couple weeks ago.  Started the meds again to keep it at bay.  Just stopped taking the meds a few days ago.  I’m pretty sure the small outbreak started because I’m very stressed…work and life in general.  I feel alone and don’t believe I’ll ever have a relationship agin.

Question: aside from the relationship issues…..should I continue to take the Valacyclovir everyday?



I am so sorry you have had to experience emotional and physical pain related to HSV. It can be very difficult when one person passes it to their partner and didn't know they had it. Did he know he had it or did he have a cold sore and didn't realize it could be passed? Has the issue been solved/addressed? I wish you both the best 💛

In regards to taking the medicine daily, you can, however most people who choose daily suppression do so because they are with a long term partner and do not want to use protection, or they have very bad regular outbreaks (more common with HSV-2).

If you feel physically unwell and keep getting outbreaks, you could take it daily. However, if you want to only take antivirals when you feel an outbreak starting (prodrome symptoms) that's okay, too. I have GHSV-1 and took Acyclovir for my first very terrible outbreak, and then for my next one, but for the third minor outbreak I did not use it (I didn't have access to it at the time). It's really up to you! 

if you want to see what you outbreak pattern is like and what triggers your outbreaks, etc, you could choose not to use the suppressive medication so you can see how your body is handling things by itself. 

regardless, the choice is up to you! ❤️ Typically outbreaks get less severe over time, too ❤️

You WILL find love, I promise!! You are worthy of love and respect. You are not dirty or bad or unlovable. You are pure. You are good. You are lovable and worthy of so much love and kindness! ❤️🌻☀️🌈 Stay strong and remind yourself of those truths every day. 

I am praying for you!! You are a warrior!! ❤️🌻





Thank you Grace.  Very much appreciate your response.  Will see what happens and I will feel/ watch what happens over time. My initial diagnosis was Marc 19,2022.  Blood work confirmed May 10 , 2022. 

My former friend seemed a bit shocked when I informed him I had herpes.  His response, How could this happen.”  The sex really should’ve not happened…. it just happened.  My doctor believes I contracted it from him and that he probably didn’t know he had it.  My outbreak was terrible. It was swift, a few days after my sexual encounter with my former friend.  I had to go to the hospital, I couldn’t walk.  Felt like I had the flu.  Couldn’t walk up the stairs.  

My friend and I no longer speak to each other.  I do hope to find love someday.  I’m a divorced 56 year old hard working professional and I feel the dating/companion pool has evermore narrowed with this issue.  I guess I’m in a bad place this evening telling you of my woos.  There’s much worse going on in the world. I’m grateful and blessed to be alive, have a roof over my head, a job, food, and my kids (young adults) who love me.  

I will get past these feelings I’m having.  I know I’m worth it and feel blessed. 


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Hi, Denise,

I'm so sorry about the pain of your first outbreak. Primary outbreaks can be so severe and painful. 

My mom is divorced (I'm 22) and she has expressed similar worried about finding someone. However, the 50s are the new 30s! You are established, your children are grown, and you have acquired so much knowledge and wisdom about the dating world. You are a badass! You will find the right person, and he will find you, too! 💛

Don't worry that you are complaining or worrying too much. Your emotions and feelings are valid. Could things be worse? Of course (and thank God they aren't!) But that doesn't mean your feelings are not valid. It is great that you put everything in perspective and focus on the good in your life! 🌻 It is the glass half full mindset that keeps one strong and thriving. 

Sending blessings of happiness and health your way 🌻💛 !!


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