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Home remedy for healing

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I’m going on my third year with HSV-2. My symptoms are mild but more frequent. When I first contracted HSV-2 I would have a breakout every 26 days almost like clock work, then 5 days after the break out another blister would form. It would take about 10 days from blister to fully healed in the beginning for me. I would have about a week maybe 2 between a healed blister and a new one.
That lasted about a year and a half. I got on valtrex but after a month of taking them everyday it felt like the medicine was draining all my energy and I felt terrible. I started using the valtrex on a per symptom basis. Now I don’t use valtrex at all as I don’t notice a difference when taking on a per symptom basis.

My healing method is popping the blister after a warm shower with a q-tip dipped in hydrogen peroxide by rubbing the q-tip with pressure to really push the peroxide into the wound. I rinse with water after it bubbles a bit. Then I apply neosporin on a daily basis 2x a day. This method is what I’ve come up with after 3 years of trying everything, it heals it the fastest and no pain or itchiness. Valtrex doesn’t work for me. I haven’t tried the other medication as far as pills for HSV. I hope this helps someone struggling with frequent symptoms.



Thanks so much for sharing your story. 

Hydrogen peroxide is really an amazing thing-- it disinfects and can kill bacteria and viruses and helps speed up the healing and scabbing of wounds/cuts. 

HO can cause burning and itching, so if you are applying it to the genital area, be aware of the pain it may cause! Also, do not place HO inside the vagina or urethra. It can cause major issues! HO is meant to be a solely EXTERNAL medical item. 

Also, make sure you pay attention to the percentage of HO in a bottle of HO. 

** And of course, make sure to consult with your doctor before you use any home-remedy methods!

Blessings to you!! 🙂 


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