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Herpes or Thrush?

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So just looking for a second opinion really more than anything just so I can start to identify my signs of when I'm having an outbreak. 


About 3 days ago I started getting really itchy and sore down below. I had these feelings when I got my first outbreak so instantly assumed that it was my second outbreak and started taking my meds. 3 days in I still have no sores what so ever, the itching is nowhere near the first outbreak site, I have one tiny papercut again, not near the first outbreak site, the discharge I had has stopped but I am still awfully red and the itching is all round my labia. 

So I'm wondering if I've jumped the gun thinking it's an outbreak in panic or whether it's thrush perhaps. Considering the symptoms I'm not overly sure. My anti virals haven't made any difference to the itching or redness so am I treating the wrong thing ? 


Thanks in advance x

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It could be thrush or a yeast infection, as sometimes yeast can cause cuts in the skin. 

It could be an outbreak as some people's outbreaks present as cuts, but if you didn't have this the first time, it's possible that this is not an outbreak. And of course, it's possible you were having an outbreak and a yeast infection at the same time! 

Could you see your OBGYN or doctor and have it checked out? 

Blessings! ❤️ 

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