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Hi, I am 31 year old male. 

I am severly depressed and fearful of having HSV. 
I had bad judgement call about 9 weeks ago and I believe I was exposed. 4weeks after exposure I was treated for NGU Urethritis with a course of antibiotics. The Urethritis symptoms have gone away. I started having severe nerve pain about 3 weeks ago in my lower back, tingling in my thighs and legs and now also hip pain. I have not had any lesions.

My depression and Anxiety/obsession has become so bad. I stopped eating for almost 2 weeks and now also suffer from constipation. Could not sleep for days.

Can HSV cause intense nerve pain without an outbreak? I am suicidal at this stage. IgG blood test came back negative after 7 weeks, but it seems the blood tests are worthless.

I would really appreciate some help.


Hello RudiK! 

You should repeat your IgG testing at 12 weeks. Ask for type specific test. 

HSV can cause nerve pain without any lesions but lot of things can cause nerve pain. 

May I ask what your exposure was? 


Hi Bloomer

It was an unorotected sex. I am experiencing full body itching and muscle twitches. But I am also extremely depressed and have anxiety attacks because of this. I dont know if it is related to HSV. I have to add that my line of work requires me to drive a lot. I spend a good part of my day driving on bad roads. 

i just don’t know what to do or what to think. A positive IgG result would push me over the edge. I really am suicidal at this stage.


Hi @RudiK
You’ve certainly come to the right place to talk openly about all of this. You are not alone in how you are feeling. I think we’ve all been there, but education is your greatest tool! Bloomer is right, an IgG test prior to 12 weeks may be inconclusive unless you have an open sore that can be swabbed. However, an IgM test would. So generally an IgM, although not considered the most accurate, would potentially show an initial infection while your body is building antibodies. Then your body would make a switch, and you would be presenting enough of the antibody to show in an IgG test. We all make mistakes, but, until you know for sure, is it possible that you may be having an issue that’s unrelated? Maybe sciatica, since you say you are a driver? A nerve could be pinched causing the pain?
Also know, that even if you are positive, there are so many people living with this. I personally have gHSV-2, and my symptoms are sooooo mild, I barely feel my OBs, and it has not impacted my day to day life. I have more anxiety around the rejection than I do the virus. And honestly I’m angry at how ridiculous the stigma is now that I’ve educated myself. 
This is a great community for information. *Most* people on here are generally helpful and upbeat! I would also suggest listening to the Podcast: Something Positive for Positive People, I’ve been finding it very helpful to hear others stories. Please continue to reach out to this group! Hugs!!!

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @RudiK You need to calm down as difficult that may be as anxiety makes this so much worse. So the question is could your symptoms by HSV related or not? The answer is that they may be related to HSV or not related to HSV at all.  For me I had a variety of symptoms that were not typical and if it is HSV it will most likely take more than 12 weeks to show up on a igg test. I found out I was positive via a Western Blot after so many "experts" said I didn't have it. You will have to wait it out some more.

I know you want answers but in this case there won't be any quick answers. I know your frustration and anxiety as I had the very same feelings. I ended up having GHSV1 and It's not the end of the World. If you have it you will learn to cope with it and live your life. Millions of people are living relatively normal lives with this and if you have it you will learn how to live with it also. It may be something life altering for some but not life ending or worth ending your life for. Keep your head up and keep working and doing your thing. You can still enjoy all the wonderful things in this world and have a full life. Hang in there my friend. Here is to hoping you don't have it and that you're not alone if you do.

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