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I feel my friend transferred HSV to me

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Hi All,

I am going through very tough situation. It's hard to believe but one of my friend intensionally transferred herpes to me. I am suffering from it since last one year but didn't knew that it's an STD. Two months ago when I visited his house I saw he is getting similar symptoms like I got. I told him that I am getting similar symptoms since last year, and asked him about it but he refused to tell me. 

I did internet search and found that it's something called HSV, I did all STD testing and finally found out that I am HSV positive. I tried to contact him but he blocked me everywhere, not responding to calls. I never had sexual contact with any other person apart from my partner.

I feel my life is over, how can someone do like this? Why God did this to me? I never did anything wrong to anyone. I am totally lost. Don't know what to do? Getting suicidal thoughts. Was God wanted me to suffer from this? Am I destined to get this?



I can't take any legal action against him because there is no such law in our country. And also I fear to get exposed to everyone that I have something which is contagious. I am dying inside.



Please know that you are okay. You will be okay. God loves you and is by your side. He didn't want you to get this. God gives us freewill, which is wonderful. However, this means we have freewill to do good, AND to do harm to others, as that person did to you. It is not your fault. 

I am so sorry that this happened to you. It seems the person either knew they had it and didn't tell you, or didn't know they had it and then found out they did and didn't tell you. When you started asking questions about it, the person acted cowardly and blocked you. The way people treat you is a reflection of THEM, not of you. You didn't deserve any of this, but, you ARE strong enough to get through it. 

Please know that HSV is a common virus. It is not a sign that someone is bad or dirty. So many people have HSV-1 orally from kissing, even getting kisses from parents who have HSV! So, having HSV doesn't make you a bad person. It just makes you human. 

You are not a danger to others. You are safe. HSV doesn't pass by simple touches or sharing a bathroom or breathing on someone. It is passed via skin to skin contact with the infected area during a time when the virus is shedding. 

Stay strong and know that God loves you. You are loved and blessed and He is here for you. Here are songs that help me and stay faithful: 



Also, if you are having suicidal thoughts and need support, call 91-9820466726 or 988.

I am praying for you! God loves you and is here for you. He will never leave you. You will make it through this ❤️ We are here for you! Message me if you need support. 






Hi Grace,


Thank you for your response. I am trying to get through it. But all the time I feel that I become totally different person. I loved to do exercise, go out for running, partying and enjoying life fully, but now I feel I lost everything. 

Whenever I look peoples around me, I feel like how lucky they are, living normal life without any restriction. Since my diagnosis I became totally silent person. Questioning all the time to myself that why I got this. What kind of bad karma I did which gave me this virus.

I feel I lost everything thing. I can't have babies and can't see those cute smiles in my life. I dreamed alot about my partner and family. Now all those things become a dream for me lifetime 😭.

This is really impacting my office work, not able to concentrate on my work at all. I fear I will get fired if continue like this. 😞


Hi @Nobita, I know this is taking you on an emotional rollercoaster but it is not as bad as you think. You can have children, you can get married and have a relationship. You cab enjoy your life pretty much like you did before. Millions of people have the virus and lot of people don't even know it. The good news is that they are working on vaccines and therapies that will help. If you are a young woman you will start to see something in few years as they are in clinical trials right now. Take care of you health because you want a strong immune system to keep the virus in check. Most people have HSV 1 orally so that theoretically reduces the chances of you spreading it to someone. Not saying it's impossible but saying it is less risk.

Educate yourself and learn to live with this and have a good full and happy life. 

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