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Need guidance please!

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Hi there! I was recently diagnosed with HSV-2 and more unfortunately.. herpetic whitlow that appeared in both hands. Obviously getting diagnosed with HSV is a shock.. but to learn that I have also contracted something that is considered very rare on my hands.. is something that makes managing this much harder. I have a young son and am terrified of infecting him. I have been washing and sanitizing my hands like crazy. I keep the sores on my hands covered with band aids. Every time I use the bathroom.. I wash my hands, change the band aids.. and then use sanitizer right after. I am not sure if I should be this crazy about it.. but the fear of passing this to my son is making my crazy. I am wondering if band aids over the sores are enough to protect him? Also, is the area of the sore the only part of the hand that is a concern? Not sure if I should be touching my son with that hand.  Do the band aids provide enough protection or are other areas of the whitlow hand worrisome. There is so little info about herpetic whitlow, that it is hard to know what the right thing to do is. I have also see some posts about the asymptomatic viral shedding and that is an unclear subject as well. I would assume that if you could have asymptomatic genital shedding then why wouldn’t your hands shed the same? I feel like I need gloves all the time. 😳 I have been worried as well that it might be to late, and that I have passed this to my son already. I noticed 4 days ago that he had some small bumps on the back of his hand and finger. They appear to have that typical “wart” appearance. Circular and a small pin hole size indent in the middle. I took him to the pediatrician and he told me he was not concerned at all. I since have not covered them but am worried that.. if the doc was wrong.. I might have allowed him to spread this to himself. I do know at this point that whitlow usually progresses pretty quickly. The first picture of his hand is the day I noticed, and the others are all 4 days later. If this was whitlow.. would it have changed more drastically? Or could this just be an initial outbreak. There is no fluid coming out of them. I might not have worried as much, except that today.. 4 days after I noticed, he spiked a low grade fever, had a stomach ache and vomited multiple times(which he never does). I convinced myself that this is a symptom of the first herpes outbreak. Logically, I know it could be just something he ate.. but I am overwhelmed and overthinking everything at this point. If there is anyone that could please help.. it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 






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I don’t know much about H-Whitlow. My only suggestion would be to have him tested. However, can I ask if he has any allergies? I had a massive outbreak of fluid filled bumps on my hands and I was sneezing, felt like crap..turned out I was allergic to my acrylic nails. So I had to have them removed, and immediately my skin cleared. I was having an allergy induced dermatitis. I know it’s so hard not to freak out, especially if a child is involved. I would just continue to advocate for testing to be sure. I don’t think you need to wear gloves all the time. The only time I would be concerned is if you’re touching an open wound on him, or if he has any cuts on his hands. From what I understand, it’s contracted through an opening in the skin when it’s Whitlow. 

I hope others are able to provide some additional detail for you!!! Hugs! It will all be okay 💜

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I don't know much about H Whitlow but from what I've read it rarely reoccur and you get it by contact with and active sore and if you have cuts on your skin. I would take your child to a dermatologist  it's probably  some other mild skin irritation. It doesn't look like HW that I can see. You still need to use precautions to not have any open sores come in contact qith his skin. I nelieve thst you will be okay.

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