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Herpes Surface Dome

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I just wanted to ask because of course I would never find an answer like this online or from a doctor as I feel HSV is so unknown to so many presents so differently of course…. In the areas affected by HSV little skin domes appear. They never form a breakout they just will itch from time to time. They’re not like a pimple that you can Simply get rid of. I’ve had one on my chin since 2021) and noticed that after kissing my son good night he shortly developed one on his chin in the same location. 
Has anyone experienced this? I feel like it’s the virus creating a closer location to the surface for easier access. as always, I feel crazy to think this but there are no shortage of surprises when it comes to HSV. 

pics are me 2021, today and my son nowIMG_6574.thumb.jpeg.82ddfb46cecbd5d855e41d32424800c4.jpeg




Thanks but this is where my BOs are..on my chin. Also on lower lip sometimes alternating. I’m not looking for a generic answer you can find on the internet bc nothing about my gab is textbook and it’s not written in any literature. But my chin is always itchy and then this formed and it’s itchy then my son developed one. As I said I didn’t really expect anyone to understand or get it bc it’s so different. But talking with other people that have it I thought maybe some one had experienced something similar. 

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