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First Love Remembered - Herry the Herp's Unplanned Trip Down Memory Lane - Part III

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Morning everyone,


If you're still following the tale, here's the next installment. I'm revealing memories slowly to Herry tonight. It's been a rough day and he can only handle tiny bites right now. These are some good memories though, and he's smiling from ear to ear even as I'm hurting for him.


-Herry's Heart




A year passed. We both grew and changed. We both dated others for brief periods; nothing serious, just casual boyfriends and girlfriends who went to movies and dances together. We were cordial with one another, both of us longing to say things that should be said but both feared how the conversations would go. Then one day the tension built up so much inside me that my feelings for her could no longer be denied.


The conversations began slowly. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months until trust and friendship had been strengthened enough for the next step. I remember the day because it was my grandfather’s birthday. It was March 13, 1995 and while it was chilly outside my heart was aflame. Sitting in the darkened living room of my house, a forgotten movie flickering in the background, I poured my heart out to her.


I told her why I had broken up with her before. I told her how much I loved her and how desperately I wanted her back in my life. I told her that in the year we’d been apart that not a day had passed when I hadn’t wanted to talk with her, to laugh with her, to hold her. We held each other close that night, a tinge of both reluctance and relief hung in the air, but it felt right and we could both sense that getting back together was the thing we needed to do. Days later we were officially a couple again.


Of course, neither of our mothers were terribly happy about the decision. Both had seen that we’d hurt one another, and both voiced their concerns. But, we ignored them. Or, rather we tolerated them and tried not to let their opinions affect us. We were in love and it wasn’t going to be denied any longer.


The relationship grew quickly; perhaps, too quickly. Whereas the first relationship had been more innocent, our second relationship became more intimate. Hormones raged and boundaries soon became blurred. Blurred, but never crossed as we both feared the wrath of her mother who had herself been a teen mother.


Then came Prom Night; the most important event on the teen calendar. I remember it well. As I prepared for the evening she sent me a balloon delivery with a little note attached telling me how excited she was for the evening. Someone, probably my mother, snapped a picture when I received it. It’s a picture I still have but the memory is so vivid that I don’t need to look at it to remember the look in my eyes. My heart leapt and I remember racing upstairs and clutching the bracelet I had bought to give her that night.


I picked her up, her purple dress matching the purple sash on my black tuxedo. She was absolutely stunning and I almost cried as she put the boutonniere upon my chest. Her mom and dad took pictures, and her mother shot me a look that said “She’s not pregnant now, she won’t be when she comes home.” It scared the hell out of me.


And, off we went. Two kids deeply in love enjoying their first “adult date” together. We ate at Red Lobster that evening as many others did. Not any did what I did though. The dinner and conversation were fabulous. A hopeless romantic, I ducked out to the bathroom about halfway through. I tracked down our waiter, tipped him handsomely, handed him the jewelry box, and asked him to place it on the dessert cart when he came by.


To this day, the look on her eyes as she glanced upon that jewelry box and put the bracelet upon her wrist still fills me with an enormous amount of joy. That night we danced and looked into each other’s eyes with such love, such hope, such tenderness that it was overwhelming. Then when the clock struck 12, I drove her home and we put a movie on as we snuggled upon the couch.


Two kids deeply in love fell asleep in each other’s arms for the first time that night. It was pure bliss and both slept in peace knowing they were right where they needed to be. It was perfect and I remember waking up around 4am that morning. Deep in her dreams, she had elbowed me which jarred me awake. I sat there for a good half-hour just gazing upon her; one hand brushing her hair, the other gently cupping her own hand. To this day, I have never felt more content than I did in those moments.


Alas, as with all things it had to come to an end. I debated falling back asleep. I knew she wouldn’t wake up, but I was terrified of what would happen if her mother came down and I wasn’t gone by the 6am curfew she had set. I seriously considered taking the risk, but feared it would mean weeks or months of not seeing my beloved.


Reluctantly, I woke her up. We talked briefly and then she walked me to the door before kissing me one last time. It was a perfect evening and I was sure that we were going to be the one in a million couple we both knew we were.


Part 1: http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/2982/first-love-remembered-herry-the-herps-unplanned-trip-down-memory-lane-part-i/p1


Part 2: http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/2995/first-love-remembered-herry-the-herps-unplanned-trip-down-memory-lane-part-ii/p1


Part 3: http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3000/first-love-remembered-herry-the-herps-unplanned-trip-down-memory-lane-part-iii/p1

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