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Sex after Herpes -having problems

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Hi all,


I was diagnosed with hsv-1 about a month and a half ago. I had a pretty mild outbreak that lasted about 2 weeks and haven't had an issue since. My boyfriend knows about the situation and we are proceeding with caution, but I've noticed that I've been having a problem with vaginal dryness in the last couple of weeks. I'll be aroused in every other way, but it just feels dry and raw in that area. Is this a symptom of herpes even though I'm not having an outbreak, or could it be something else? Thanks!

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I would say something else is going on. Dryness isn't really a symptom of herpes, or a side effect of either valtrex or acyclovir. It could be just irritation you're feeling as internal blisters heal. Could also be psychological related to your recent diagnosis.


I'd say try plenty of lube in the meantime and see if it helps. If not, go see your gynecologist and see what they can tell you.

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Hello! :)


I would recommend to anyone who is new to Herpes to use lube while you get used to dealing with it - while dryness is not necessarily a symptom of Herpes, it may be that you are worried in the back of your mind about your BF getting it and that is slowing down the natural process .. and anything that irritates the area can cause another OB.


Are you on anti-virals?

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Thanks for your advice!

@WCSDancer2010 I was on Valtrex during my first outbreak, but my doctor said that she'd prefer not to give me suppressive therapy because she anticipated infrequent and fairly mild outbreaks, so I haven't been on them for 3 or 4 weeks. I am on birth control, but have been on it for close to 5 years and have never had a problem so I don't think that's the culprit. It may be a psychological thing, I'll try using lube and hopefully the problem will go away in time once I become more comfortable with the situation. Hoping it's not another kind of infection or issue!

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Is your Dr a Family Dr or OBGYN? Because the standard protocol for 1st year is usually to put the person on antivirals because you are more likely to have OB's during the first year than later once your body gets the antibodies built up... if it's a Family Dr I'd suggest you get to an OBGYN and discuss it with them...


Also, has your BF been tested? I'd want to know if he has it because that also will determine if you would want to be on meds to protect him. Have a look at Adrials video and the handouts on here ... get educated so you know what to discuss with the Dr.








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@WCSDancer I'm an out of state college student, so she was an OBGYN but the one on staff on my campus. While she gave me the diagnosis she gave me practically no information about how to proceed. All she did was write me the prescription for 5 days of Valtrex, I had to be pretty agressive about my questions to get any information at all. That being said, I am planning on going to my normal gynecologist at home when I go home for break in a few weeks. She knows more of my medical history and I presume will be much more helpful about answering my questions. (The school OBGYN basically told me nothing - she didn't mention anything about there being reoccuring outbreaks until I asked, didn't say anything about how to proceed with sex or disclosure, etc... Not very helpful after hearing this kind of news. Most of what I've learned has come from searching around on the internet and this forum).


I've mentioned to my bf that he should get tested and he said he'd "get around to it", which I agree should be sooner rather than later. I think he thinks it's not that big of a deal (which I guess is good in a way because it lessens the negative stigma), but I agree that it's important for him to get tested to see how we should proceed.

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That's a pretty sad thing to hear given that college students are the ones that need to be reminded and educated about this stuff.... :(


How long have you been with the BF? Imma guessing you got this from oral sex with him ... has he ever had cold sores??? If so, you don't have to worry about protection as he will have the antibodies to it. And his reluctance to hurry may be that he is more worried about knowing ... or may suspect that he passed it to you unwittingly. Let him know that odds are you may have got it from him if he's ever had cold sores ... in which case you only need to go on anti-virals if you are having problems with OB's.

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I've been with him for about 4 months, and yes I'm almost positive I got it from oral sex with him, especially now that I know it's HSV1. He had a cold sore/fever blister a while ago and about a week and a half after that interaction I had my first OB. That's good to hear that if that's the case he has antibodies. I'll definitely talk more to my normal OBGYN when I go home to discuss if anti virals / suppressive therapy is a better option. Thanks for all your advice!

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