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Advice on how to get our sex life back on track

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I tested positive for hsv2 earlier this year. My boyfriend is also hsv2 positive. Since the testing and accepting things, we are slowly trying to get things back on track sexually. He doesn't get outbreaks, I've had a few outbreaks with mild symptoms, one or two spots.


Last night we tried and it went pretty well. I felt a sort of scratchy feeling. This morning, I have a small open tear. It is in the usual spot, so I am trying to figure out if this is aggravation or an actual outbreak? It's not too bad or painful. My last outbreak was a month ago, so everything should've been healed. I have yet to take any antivirals because my outbreaks are mild. Maybe I should or just wait and see how I feel the next few days. All of the outbreaks I have had, heal within a few days.


I'm just hoping for some guidance because I don't want to derail the progress we are trying to make with our intimacy. I appreciate any help :)

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How do you get your sex life back on track? I'm a big fan of red wine, roses, and if that doesn't work, I pull out the heavy artillery and introduce chocolate and Tom Jones into the bedroom.


Take it slow. Focus on the intimacy and not the penetration. Make sure you use plenty of lube and listen to one another. If it hurts, stop doing it. If it feels good, keep going. The truth is that only a small percentage of people experience outbreaks as the result of sex; based on your timing, I'm willing to bet it's just a small open tear; a blister wouldn't form that quickly following sex.


Talk to each other. Snuggle with each other. Tease each other playfully. Get in tune with each other's needs and desires. Do that and the intimacy levels will go through the roof and your neighbors will be begging you to keep the noise down.

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Thank you Herry! I would love to get back to red wines and roses! My bf has spent a lot of time blaming himself. I've just finally gotten him to realize that we are in this together and it's ok to move forward and get back to "us"! I've seen several post about using lube (which will be new for us) & will give it a try. Thanks for the info about the percentage of people experiencing outbreaks from sex. :)

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