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Girly question about herpes and periods (sorry dudes)

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I had a "visual" diagnosis 6 weeks ago, but thus far, negative PCR test. The first set of symptoms I had were noticeable immediately after my period. The first time I got it following that episode, I had no issues. Just concluding my 2nd time, and currently experiencing some internal irritation. As far as I recall, I didn't have any internal sores the first time. However, this period was really, really light (& I'm almost 43 so this happens every so often). I have no external symptoms that I can recognize, and believe me, I checked, and none of the symptoms I've read that people associate with a recurrence. Is it possible that this is a recurrence with new internal issues, or more likely from an over zealous use of tampons that were too absorbent for what I really needed?

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First - don't apologize for ANY question ... nothing is off topic here (as long as we are respectful and looking to become educated) ... We are all adults here and one of the main reasons H and other STD's spread like they do is that we don't talk about sex in this country openly like the Adults that we are... instead people either ignore things or they Google and believe everything they read that is put out there by drama queens and snake oil peddlars and don't go to the right sources for their facts ;)


So - your symptoms could be either an internal H sore AND it could be the tampons. It may take you awhile to figure all that out, and menopause will act as your "joker" card for awhile as your periods/hormones will fluctuate and play havoc with you. Have you had that reaction in the past to that type of tampon? If so, then it's likely the same thing. If not, well, without a visual look-see from the Dr you might never know. Just make note of it ... and next time it happens, if you had the same set of circumstances, you can figure it was the tampon....


Sorry that we can't give you a definite answer ... but one thing that H is good for is helping you to learn that you may not always have all the answers, but if you give things time, they will often come to you on their own ;)



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It's the brand I always use. Typically I use "supers" bc the heaviness of my period esp the first day or two, plus my workout and work schedules kindof necessitate it, so that's what I had on hand. They were still pretty dry each time I changed them and after a day or so of that is when the irritation started. And it's definitely not pain...more of irritation (like the "after a bunch of sex" feeling), or like a yeast infection which I do sometimes get after my period. I got some diflucan, and I guess if that clear it quickly then I'll know.


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