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First outbreak over? Confused about lingering symptoms.

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Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with HSV2 about a week and a half ago. It first manifested as a deep itch and then developed into a really painful swelling on one side. At this point I went to an urgent care clinic, lucky me this all went down while I was on vacation, and was told it looked and sounded like a Bartholin cyst and I should just take hot baths and take Ibuprofen. I did as I was told and later that night first noticed a bump on the opposite side. By the next morning I was quite certain what I was dealing with and went to a gynecologist. By then I had 5 sores total. I was hysterical and couldn't get the words "diseased whore" out of my head. I know that's not true; I've, in fact, always been really responsible about my sexual health and gotten tested regularly and been a nearly constant user of condoms. I just got very unlucky and was uneducated about herpes. My partner and I were both tested prior to engaging in unprotected sex. I had no idea that herpes was not a part of that screen and assumed we were in the clear. Now, unfortunately, I have to deal with this situation and inform him of what is going on. To top it all off, this is coinciding with what is likely the end of our relationship for totally unrelated reasons. Now I am probably facing the exceedingly awkward dual break up and disclosure conversation in the next few days and am really not looking forward to it. But I digress.


I'm really confused by my symptoms at this point. I got on acyclovir the first day I had actual blisters and they healed to barley visible flat red spots within 5 days which is great, but I'm still having other symptoms. I continued to have nerve pain for days after the blisters subsided, first just on the left side of my body where the outbreak had been the worst, but then also radiating through my low back on the right side as well. I also continue to be really tender in the spot that was so swollen at the beginning. I've had my period for the last few days and it's been really unusually heavy. I used a tampon today for the first time and during the last hour I had it in and upon removal that same spot was quite painful. Is it normal for the skin to continue to be so sore? Does the virus effect your menstrual flow? I mostly just want to know if this means the outbreak is over and things are still just cooling down and healing or if this means that a) the outbreak is still continuing and I should stay on acyclovir or b) a second outbreak is already on its way. I really want to get off of the medicine if possible. It's giving me headaches and making me completely exhausted.


Sorry to be so verbose and thank you so much for this great community. It has been a tremendous comfort. Any wisdom anyone has would be so greatly appreciated.

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Hello and Welcome!


Now I am probably facing the exceedingly awkward dual break up and disclosure conversation in the next few days and am really not looking forward to it.


Well, I'm guessing you both thought you were tested for it .... so there's noone to blame there and it's just as possible that you got H from your partner .... if he is blood tested and comes back H+ he's had it at least 4 months ... not that there is blame... it is just what it is.


As for the symptoms, yes, they can continue and these "Prodromes" may go on for a little while. Usually things settle down within a few months to some degree and by the end of a year, your body should have it under control and you will have figured out what works for you (as far as helping it to settle down) and what your prodromes are. And no, the virus shouldn't affect your menstrual flow...


Regarding the meds, it's up to you if you stay on them. If you are not having sex and you can deal with the OB's (there's TONS of info on here about managing OB"s - look in the FAQ section for previous discussions) then it's just an option to stay on them.





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