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Newbie with a few questions

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I was recently diagnosed with H Simplex 2. I've been to two different doctors in 1 week. The first one i went to told me I would not get anymore outbreaks... After receiving the terrible news her saying this was such a relief. Yet after doing some research online I had realized a lot of what the first doctor told me seemed incorrect. The next doc I went to told me I was misinformed and that I will get more outbreaks. I know everyone is different and we all will have different reactions to this virus. But I am curious how different all responses are.


How long do your outbreaks last, what triggers them, and how many have you had since your first outbreak?


Is there anything I should avoid or do to keep myself from reoccurring outbreaks? I live I'm South FL and the beach is my second home, should I avoid long sun exposure? :(


Thank you in advanced!

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my OBs last 5 days. triggers have been sun, sweat, stress, an my period ( or so i can only guess)

ive had HSV2 for 6 months. first OB april. 3 months went by. 2nd OB. one month went by 3rd OB 6 weeks went by 4th OB.

each OB was smaller an smaller an easier to deal with. i dont take meds. Just L-lysine, garlic, an oil of oregano. i put tea tree oil on my sores (i only get one sore each time so far) an have epsom salt baths as well as going commando as much as possible.

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What kind of Dr's are you going to? It they are in a clinic or PCP's, I STRONGLY suggest you get to an OBGYN or go to Planned Parenthood, because those two are both giving out incorrect info.


If you had had HSV1 then it would be closer to say you might not have any more OB's, but you say you have HSV2 and that one is completely random in how it presents. 80% of people with Herpes don't know they have it ... of the other 20%, their OB's can go from few and far between to every few weeks to start.... and the triggers for each person will be different, and you have to figure out what YOUR triggers are and what works to control it for YOU.


I'll post a few links on triggers and treatments below ... the better you get to know your body, the faster you will get the OB's under control. One of the "good" things about Herpes is that if you use it as a reason to change your diet and lifestyle, you get a win-win - fewer OB's AND a healthier body!









http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum





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