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delete this one! accidentally posted it twice!

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Earlier on in the month I drank a fair bit after my ex broke up with me and ended up sleeping with some girl that night I was drunk. Just recently I went into the doctors who told me that I for sure have oral herpes and I have a bad feeling that even though I wore a condom, I got genital herpes! I didn't know a cold sore could do this much damage to me! I don't even know what to do anymore and even though I was once happy, i'm starting to go into the depression that was once there before. I mean, i swear nothing good happens to me these days. First me and my mothers home burned down at the end of august, then my girlfriend broke up with me, and now this!? I know it's "just a skin condition" as my doctor put it, but I need some messages of hope from others that have had it for a while. I'm super depressed and i am already taking meds for my anger and depression issues and this is now another burden on me.

Why do bad things always happen to good people? Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? I'm starting to lose hope on my life, and i'm only 19! Will I ever get a job with my condition? or will I be forever alone and miserable for the rest of my life!

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