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Online Dating Websites for People with herpes? Good or Bad Idea?

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I am a 27 year old female and was diagnosed over a year ago. I took some time to get to know myself again after being very down about the diagnosis. I am graduating from University this month and will be starting my career life as a registered nurse. I figure this is the time in my life that I would like to meet someone and have a happy and healthy sex life again. So my question to you guys is has anyone ever tried online dating through a herpes website. I know they are out there as I have googled them but am still very iffy on the whole online dating thing!


Would appreciate your feedback !



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Hello and Welcome!


Well, the H+ dating sites are perhaps a decent place to get your feet wet and regain your confidence, but in all honesty the percentage of the dating population who are on those sites is very small (about 4%) so your options will be very limited. And in all honesty, why do you want to restrict yourself to only H+ partners when there are likely tons of H- men who would love to get to know you ... If you read our Success Stories here you will see that the VAST majority of them are with H- partners. ;)


I actually have my status right on my OKC and POF profiles and I get tons of inquiries from H- men who appreciate my honesty and transparancy ... and IMO THAT is the man that I want in my life H+ OR H- :)


Adrial has a great blog about this :





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@Coco1987 I have tried the H+ sites and like @WCSDancer2010 said it is VERY limited! I did meet a guy from my area on that site that joined around the same time as I did and like you he was limiting himself to strictly dating people who were H+ because he didn't want to infect a healthy person. Which was his preference. He ended up opening up to a friend of his and found out she was H+ too so we didn't get a chance to meet but I wasn't beating myself over it. I've found that a lot of people I have disclosed to are pretty understanding and it hadn't made them pump the breaks and say "Whoa! We can't date because you have h" I've had relationships that ended not because of h but because we turned out to have different belief systems of how a relationship should work.


Good luck in the dating realm I'm sure you'll do fine!


BTW thanks for the link to Adrial's blog @WCSDancer2010 :)

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