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Sex after herpes outbreak...cuts???

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Hey everyone- I think the answer to my problem is that I did not wait long enough after my first outbreak to have sex again but I was wondering if anyone has experienced something like this-

Last week I had my first outbreak and it was very severe, upwards of like 25 blisters. HSV1 on the genitals. I was on 1000 mg of Valtrex for 7 days and I have a backup prescription of like 5 just in case I can't get to a doctor or something.


The sores were healed by Saturday and I feel /mostly/ back to normal today. I still have a little itching but as far as I could tell, things were cleared up and it was all over. So tonight I probably jumped the gun a little bit, but I thought I would be fine- maybe like 3 minutes into some pretty gentle sex with my boyfriend, I felt a sharp pain and cried out. My boyfriend looked and I was bleeding from 2 or 3 small cuts at the base of my vagina.


Is this the beginning of another outbreak? Did I just not allow the area long enough to heal? I read something somewhere about herpes outbreaks thinning your vaginal skin and now I'm terrified I'll never be able to have sex again...freaking out a little bit. Thanks guys!


(PS also thanks to everyone on this forum because I don't know how I would be getting through this without you guys. just reading posts makes me feel better knowing people are out there who are going through the same thing)

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Yup - you jumped the gun. Remember, you had sores that needed to heal. Just like when a scab falls off of a sore anywhere else, the skin is thin and fragile for awhile.... so you need to give it time... and we usually suggest waiting at least 10 days after they heal anyway to keep from passing it on ... especially when you are in the first 6 months to a year.


Take it easy and find other ways to play for now ( Find out what are YOUR 50 Shades of Grey ;) ) ... don't know if I posted this for you but here's some ideas of how to get yer freak on without having "sex" ...



http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/5807/list-the-ways-to-protect-my-partner-from-getting-herpes-hsv2 Safe alternatives to sex

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