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Just how rare is Hsv1 genital to genital transmission?

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I just read an article online where Dr Leone and Dr Hansfield state that they strongly agree that genital-to-genital hsv1 transmission is so rare that they haven't seen a case in years in their patients. They also state that it is not necessary to disclose because the risk of transmissionis low as well. How much truth is there to this? I am a male that just got Hsv1 and would like to know if this is true? I haven't seen many cases where the male transmits genital herpes to a female. I have seen perhaps three cases but other than that I have searched the forums and haven't found more information on this. Has anybody had success being with their partners and not infecting them? I would appreciate the input God bless you all.

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i got it from an oral cold sore that my boyfriend had, so because of this he has some immunity to the virus. That was a year ago and he hasn't had any signs of genital hsv1 from me. So its definitely really low....with suppressive meds its like a 1% chance or something crazy like that.

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I'm a woman and got HSV1 genitally from a male partner, fwiw. We were having unprotected sex for years before he told me he'd had it for decades, albeit pretty mildly. Thus, I'd say, it's possible. :-) I, however, haven't (to my knowledge) transmitted to any other male partners; I've had one partner with whom I don't use condoms, and I'm not on any suppressive treatment.

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Yes the current thinking is that HSV1 genitally rarely seems to pass to others (certainly much less than HSV2 genitally or HSV1 orally) ... Dr Leone and Dr Hansfield are certainly well respected experts in the field. However, I don't agree about not telling others of your status. Even if the risk is 1%, IMO they still deserve to know. There can always be that one time that you start to have an OB and have sex right before it and likely are thus shedding a lot at that time ... So as long as they are informed, they make the CHOICE to be with you and accept the risks :)



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I'm a woman and got HSV1 genitally from a male partner, fwiw. We were having unprotected sex for years before he told me he'd had it for decades, albeit pretty mildly. Thus, I'd say, it's possible. :-) I, however, haven't (to my knowledge) transmitted to any other male partners; I've had one partner with whom I don't use condoms, and I'm not on any suppressive treatment.


Wow this gives me a bit of hope knowing I can go years without transmitting it to anyone. How many years were you with your husband before you got the virus?

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Yes the current thinking is that HSV1 genitally rarely seems to pass to others (certainly much less than HSV2 genitally or HSV1 orally) ... Dr Leone and Dr Hansfield are certainly well respected experts in the field. However, I don't agree about not telling others of your status. Even if the risk is 1%, IMO they still deserve to know. There can always be that one time that you start to have an OB and have sex right before it and likely are thus shedding a lot at that time ... So as long as they are informed, they make the CHOICE to be with you and accept the risks :)




Wow that brings peace to me if it's true. I am going to disclose no matter the odds thank you so much


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