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Question about oral hsv

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Hello all!!


I have a question that I can't seem to find an answer to.

I was diagnosed with ghsv2 about a year and a half ago. About 2 months ago, unfortunately, I found out that I transmitted it to my boyfriend. (I hate that this happened!)

When he got his blood test results back it was confirmed that he had hsv1 and hsv2.

I have been having cold sores since I could remember. I haven't had one in a few years, but I used to have them. So I know that I also have hsv1.

We did not have sex again (including oral) until about 5 days ago. The next day I realized that I had a sore inside my mouth. I didn't think much about it because I thought that it was a canker sore or I just bit the side of my cheek.

The next day I started to feel tingling in my lower lip and later that day I realized that I had a few white looking bumps on the bottom inside of my mouth, but they have been painless. I also realized a very small bump on the back of my throat. I started to feel cold like symptoms (I don't know if this part was just in my head!) I have been doubling and even tripping on antivirals since then. The bumps are still there, but they are getting smaller and not too noticeable.

I am just wondering if it could just be a hsv1 outbreak. It is just weird because I have never had one like this before, or maybe I never noticed it in the past. It is weird that oral sex would cause a recurrence like this?

The other thought in my mind is that it is oral hsv2, but since I have had cold sores and knowing that I have hsv1, I was protected against oral hsv2 and I can't get both kinds in the same location. I'm not sure if this triggered a breakout of my hsv1 or if I now have oral hsv2, and actually never had oral hsv1 (I had cold sores growing up). Does any of this make sense? Sorry if I am all over the place. I have my yearly check up with my doctor next week, so I will for sure ask him. I also wanted to see if maybe one of ya'll had the same experience or any advice. I really appreciate your help!

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I would put my guess that the sores on the inside of the mouth are Canker sores (which are NOT Herpes) ... and yes, anything that irritates the lining in the mouth can set them off ....and NO, it's not likely HSV2 ... while it *can* spread to the mouth, it's incredibly rare.


Odds are he already had HSV1 when you met him. 60% of young people have it orally by the time they are adults - I got it at age 4 - and 80% don't know they have it because they are asymptomatic ... ;)

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Hi @wcsdancer2010,


Thank you for your answer :-). The reason I thought they were not canker sores is because they are painless and I had quite a bit of them on the inside bottom of my mouth. I only have two now. Maybe I was just looking too much into it because it was just weird that I happened to get that right after.

Yes I'm sure that he already had HSV1. Thank you for your help!

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