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Genital Type 1 and antivirals

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Is there any proof that antivirals also helps reduce genital hsv1 shedding? I've looked everywhere and just haven't seen any info on this. Is there anybody in here that has type 1 and uses it succesfully in order to not pass it genitally to their partners? I am going to get intimate very soon and wanted info on this as I would like to protect my partner. Iv'e had genital type 1 for 2 months and a half now.


I've heard it's not recommended, but does anybody know the percentages it would cut off the shedding, thank you very much .

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i was diagnosed with genital hsv1 last march and have been on suppressive meds ever since. I got it from my boyfriend who gets cold sores. Since starting the meds I have only had the one visible outbreak, one time period of some prodrome, and have not passed it to my boyfriend (although he has antibodies from the cold sores). hope that helps!

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I don't believe there has been any specific research on HSV1 genitally. So there are a few things to consider:


H1 sheds about 1/3 as much as H2 genially ... so already you are less of a risk whatever you do.


The H experts (Dr Leone and others) seem to think that H1 rarely gets passed on when the carrier has it genitally .. however we have at least 1 person on here who got it from someone who had GHSV1. So it does seem to be possible to pass it on.


Shedding/OB's are *generally* worst in the first months - the first year both because your body is still getting it under control and because you don't know your prodromes as well as someone who has had it for awhile.


Anti-virals work on blocking the ability of the virus to replicate. Given that both H1 and 2 replicate the same way and are so closely related, I'm sure that the meds work just as effectively whether you have H 1 or H2.


Your partner should get tested before you get intimate, both for YOUR safety and to see if they already have the virus asymptomatically. 80% of people with H don't know they have it, and most have never been tested even if they *think* they have. More recent science seems to indicate that HSV2 helps to afford protection to both H1 and H2 while HSV1 doesn't seem to give the same protection (tho it *does* still afford *some* protection)


In the end, your partner needs to understand all this and then the pair of you need to come up with a plan. Personally, give you are recently diagnosed and you are relatively new in the relationship, I'd take them for at least 6 months then re-visit whether the pair of you feel that is right for you. It takes some of the pressure off of YOU and will let you bond as a pair with less stress from the concern about transmission ;)

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