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Herpes transmission

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Last week, I developed some mouth sores and went to the doctor. I explained that I had a recent sexual encounter with someone new. Condom use was for intercourse but there was mutual oral sex. He basically dismissed it as HSV1, told me to gargle with salt water and avoid sexual contact until they are gone. I went back 2 days later and asked if he could prescribe something to speed things up, and he gave me Valacyclovir. That evening, I noticed a couple of red patches on both sides of my inner thigh to crotch area but nothing specifically on genitals. I am assuming this is an outbreak and not a reaction to the drug although that was my original hope. If this is the case, would that mean that when I am clear of an outbreak, the genital area is clear and wearing boxers or even something like compression underwear to cover the infected areas?

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Ok, your doctor is very ignorant... Yes ,HSV 1 is predominantly known for orak herpes, but HSV 1 can be contracted below the belt too. Half if all new genital herpes cases, are caused by HSV 1 from oral sex. GPs are ignorant as hell about herpes and understand almost nothing about it.


Since obviously it spread to your mouth from kissing her, there is a high probability you got it below the belt too.


Do you have any itching, tingling or tenderness below the waist?


If you did contract HSV 1 below a belt, a blood test won't tell you where it's located. On top of that, a new infection will not show in blood until four mo ths post exposure. So at this point a blood test is irrelevant.


Do you notice any bumps on the rashes? Any blister like appearance? H can present in many different forms. Usually I wouldn't be considered about this for someone who had these symptoms below the belt, but because you had recent sexual contact and got it in your mouth too, I'd be a bit concerned that what's going in below the belt could be an infecttion too, especially because it all happened in the same time frame. How long has it been now and have you been iced things getting worse?

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@2Legit2Quit Honestly, I thought that there was a chance I got it in my mouth from oral sex. I did not feel the same tingling that I felt in my mouth. No blisters. The mouth sores arrived a week ago, tingling last Sunday and arrived Monday. Two weeks after the activity. Used Salt water, peroxide and also licorice root tea and the sores are noticeably healed but not gone yet. And started Valacyclovir Friday night. Midnight Friday, I noticed the three spots . So after 48 hours, not worse. I realize this can be something totally different and I'm confident my urologist will identify it. My doc dipped urine while I was there and there was nothing.

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You likely and very highly unlikely, got it from kral sex. You got it from you both missing and if down below, he giving you unprotected oral sex. As I stated HSV 1 will go to both places. HSV 2 is known to only transmit genital to genital.. It is rare to go to the mouth. Only one % of oral herpes is HSV 2 and that's typically in immune comprised patients, such as those w HIV.

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