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Just scared and want reassurance

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I got herpes a year ago from this guy who refused to even have had it. It has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I have only had sex once and that is what happened. In the beginning, it was the most emotionally stressful situation I had ever been in. But since then I was able to research a ton to realize it isn't even that bad. They call it an STD but it is really just a skin disease which is what cold sores are just down there. I also was able to tell my closest guy friend about it and not only did he not react negatively but he said he liked me more because I am so strong to have to go through this. My fear is that being so young it was going to be really hard to find young people to accept me. So I told myself no relationships for as long as I can. Turns out I met the perfect boy this summer and we have been dating for a couple months now. I didn't think I was going to have to tell him for a while. But the sex talk came up and I just cried. He told me to tell me what was bothering me, so I did. It was really hard for me to say it and even after reading the many articles of how to bring it up I couldn't do it positively, I just cried for about an hour and he just hugged me. He took it so well I couldn't believe it. He told me he would never judge me and he loved me for me. But I'm really scared he is going to change his mind and I want to give him space but I also want to keep talking to him so I don't lose him for good.

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