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I was recently dx with hsv 2 during what I believe was either part of my 2nd or start of my 3rd OB. I had mentioned to my OB/gyn that I thought I'd recently had a shingles episode, and he told me if I four d any more blisters to come in for a swab. Now, both times I experienced any blistering was always around my genitals, but when a blister popped up randomly on my chest I did as told and had it swabbed -thus the dx- but he didn't say, and I didn't think to ask, why it was on my chest not my hoohah. Well, I am in the middle of another OB, and yes, it is on my genitals, but this morning a blister randomly popped up on my left forearm. I stumbled on this site while googling queries on whether this was normal and figured I'd ask if anyone else had ever experienced random blisters. I do have a Dr appt on the 16th, and will be sure to ask my Dr, but didn't think it'd hurt to ask here. I'm 7 months pregnant, BTW, and taking acyclovir. I see my OB/GYN every 2 weeks.

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