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HSV-1 Update:

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Hello, I just wanted to give an update and ask a few additional questions. I haven't posted on here since my initial post in December but I check here and westover heights frequently.


I decided to get a second blood test just to confirm my hsv1 status and it came back as the first - IGG 4. Before though, I asked Terri Warren over at westover hts if it's possible that my result was a false positive and she said no and that the false positive range is a little different for HSV1 than it is for HSV2. So there's that. I still don't know if it's oral or down below b/c I haven't had an outbreak yet. Every now and again I feel tingles down there (lips) which ironically started as soon as I got my results.


For the most part, I'm in a better place emotionally than I was a few months ago. This website, blogs like those from Ella Dawson and just general research and support from those that I know, have helped. Some days though, my thoughts and fears get the best of me and I'll just cry it out. So yes, I'm still adjusting and I'm sure it'll take some time where it doesn't bother me at all, and that's IF I ever get to that place. More importantly, I just want to accept this and be at peace with it. And that's a daily struggle. But hopefully I'll get to that place soon.


I do have a few questions:

1. If it is ghsv1 and someone that's HSV1- goes down on me, is there a good chance that they could get it orally? Ive read that ghsv1 sheds less and transmits less genital to genital (pls correct if me if I'm wrong), but I haven't seen anything address this particular concern.

2. I'm not on meds b/c I haven't had an outbreak. I've read about taking meds for suppressing it and preventing it. If I were to take it as a preventive measure, how would I do that? Do I just take the meds up until intercourse? Or could I Just take lysine/l-lysine instead? And would that decrease transmission? Do I even need to?

3. Is there ANY way I can find out where the virus is without an outbreak? Is there a chance I may never have one and therefore never know where it is?

4. I'm getting a bikini wax in two days and I'm a little nervous that this may trigger an outbreak if it is ghsv. Should I just stick to trimming?


I know this was kind of long and appreciate any and all feedback. Xoxoxo

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Why do you think it's genital? I have hsv 1 too but I have had a few cold sores orally before, but I am also wondering if I have it genitally after my last sexual encounter with a male w ghsv1. I too have not had a genital outbreak so I really don't know. I feel tingle sensations too. Hsv2-

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  • 1 month later...

I just found out i have hsv1 and all day i been crying.. how is possible that i didn't know and I've never gotten any cold sores or blisters?. Since finding out a couple hrs ago i been reading up on it, but i don not inderstand how you would know you're shedding with no visible sores or blisters?. Worst day of my life.

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@rangoo: I know it's hard to believe right now, but it does get better. I felt exactly how you do when I first found out too. To date, I have yet to have an outbreak orally or genitally, and some days I still wish I never found out. Talk about nerve-wrecking! However, knowledge is key. Read the stories on here, go over to westoverheights.com and read the many questions that are asked and just educate yourself. Also, when you're ready and if u want, let someone close to you know..someone you can trust..the support (even if from one person) helps. To this day, I still read up on any and everything HSV related. Also, Google Ella Dawson and if u have Twitter, follow her on there. Give yourself time to process it and emotionally heal. It's a daily thing for me, but I'm in a better space emotionally and mentally than I was months ago, even though I have my ups and downs with it. Take care ❤️

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