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Everything posted by Msw_1

  1. @WCSDancer2010: hi and thank you for your response. I actually paid and asked terry warren about the possibility of my results being a false positive b/c when I tested for it in June 2015 it was negative but when I was tested again at the end of November my IGG was 4. she said the false positive range for hsv1 is different than it is for hsv2 and that anything over a 4 for hsv1 is probably not a false positive. I decided to get a second test in January to confirm and it was still at a 4. It's a catch 22; part of me wishes I never got the test and the other part is glad to know my status. It's just frustrating esp when it comes to sex/disclosure.... which I'm going to do regardless (disclose that is), even though my NP says I don't have to :-/
  2. Thanks @Adrial. Another Q, what are the odds of me having hsv1 orally or genitally if I haven't had an outbreak? I read that 50% of all gential H are from HSV1. Do adults actually get hsv1 orally anymore? A big part of me has stopped trying to figure it out & just wait for an outbreak to happen. Are there any cases of ppl never having outbreaks & thus not knowing where the virus is? Thank you for your time.
  3. @rangoo: I know it's hard to believe right now, but it does get better. I felt exactly how you do when I first found out too. To date, I have yet to have an outbreak orally or genitally, and some days I still wish I never found out. Talk about nerve-wrecking! However, knowledge is key. Read the stories on here, go over to westoverheights.com and read the many questions that are asked and just educate yourself. Also, when you're ready and if u want, let someone close to you know..someone you can trust..the support (even if from one person) helps. To this day, I still read up on any and everything HSV related. Also, Google Ella Dawson and if u have Twitter, follow her on there. Give yourself time to process it and emotionally heal. It's a daily thing for me, but I'm in a better space emotionally and mentally than I was months ago, even though I have my ups and downs with it. Take care ❤️
  4. What about his chance of getting oral hsv1 from going down in her? Well I'm sure it's possible, but what is the likelihood? I'm really asking for myself.
  5. Hi, I have a question since my nurse practitioner isn't being too helpful. Are there any studies on the effectiveness of taking an anti-viral for ppl with hsv1? I'm seeing my guy in a few days and I want to protect him the best I can (he's hsv1-). If I start the meds today, how long does it take to become effective? Idk if I have it orally or genital. Thanks for your time.
  6. I don't know if it's genital or oral b/c I haven't had an outbreak. I assume it's genital b/c it seems rare for adults to get oral hsv1. I could be wrong.
  7. Hello, I just wanted to give an update and ask a few additional questions. I haven't posted on here since my initial post in December but I check here and westover heights frequently. I decided to get a second blood test just to confirm my hsv1 status and it came back as the first - IGG 4. Before though, I asked Terri Warren over at westover hts if it's possible that my result was a false positive and she said no and that the false positive range is a little different for HSV1 than it is for HSV2. So there's that. I still don't know if it's oral or down below b/c I haven't had an outbreak yet. Every now and again I feel tingles down there (lips) which ironically started as soon as I got my results. For the most part, I'm in a better place emotionally than I was a few months ago. This website, blogs like those from Ella Dawson and just general research and support from those that I know, have helped. Some days though, my thoughts and fears get the best of me and I'll just cry it out. So yes, I'm still adjusting and I'm sure it'll take some time where it doesn't bother me at all, and that's IF I ever get to that place. More importantly, I just want to accept this and be at peace with it. And that's a daily struggle. But hopefully I'll get to that place soon. I do have a few questions: 1. If it is ghsv1 and someone that's HSV1- goes down on me, is there a good chance that they could get it orally? Ive read that ghsv1 sheds less and transmits less genital to genital (pls correct if me if I'm wrong), but I haven't seen anything address this particular concern. 2. I'm not on meds b/c I haven't had an outbreak. I've read about taking meds for suppressing it and preventing it. If I were to take it as a preventive measure, how would I do that? Do I just take the meds up until intercourse? Or could I Just take lysine/l-lysine instead? And would that decrease transmission? Do I even need to? 3. Is there ANY way I can find out where the virus is without an outbreak? Is there a chance I may never have one and therefore never know where it is? 4. I'm getting a bikini wax in two days and I'm a little nervous that this may trigger an outbreak if it is ghsv. Should I just stick to trimming? I know this was kind of long and appreciate any and all feedback. Xoxoxo
  8. If you told it to someone you care about and is suppose to care about you, but rejects you b/c of this, they don't deserve to be in your life. I found out about my H status at the beginning of this month and the told the guy I had been dating for a year. We both exchanged the L word and talked about having a future together, kids, etc. but he rejected me..by cutting me off and ignoring my attempts to reach out to him. and we haven't spoke since. I'm still coping and do have my down days where I let my thoughts get the best of me. But I agree w/ 2legit2quit, you don't need to tell everyone. And if u do decide to (b/c sometimes we just need someone to talk to), use discernment. A true friend or someone that REALLY loves/cares about you, won't reject you, but will be supportive and try to understand.
  9. Yesss!! @2legit2quit ... I love your response..and you're absolutely right. Maybe all this happened to show his true colors. He doesn't deserve me :)
  10. I too am guilty of looking too closely down there. Glad I'm not the only one lol. I had some small bumps down there and thought "ok, here comes the outbreak". But my NP took a look and said it just part of my vagina skin. Porn will definitely have you thinking yours doesn't "look notmal".
  11. Thank you for your response. I know that I'm being extremely hard on myself. And at the end of the day, there's really no way of figuring out how I acquired this. Shit it could have been from him, but I'll never know (he was supposed to get tested, but he cut me off completely so idk what his results were or if he even got tested). I guess it's irrelevant. But you're right, if the situation was reversed, I would do exactly that.
  12. Has anyone gone through a phase of being rejected or cutoff after telling someone, and thinking "yea, I don't blame them"...? That's what I'm experiencing right now. Understanding my ex for cutting me off for this. We haven't talked in two weeks :'f
  13. Thank you WCSDancer2010!!! At this point he's made it clear where he stands in regards to us. I've reached out a several times to no avail. So I just want be at peace with this & try to move on. I thought about getting the western blot for hsv1 since that's considered the "gold standard"...maybe sometime next year. Thank you (everyone) for your input. It's nice to have a place to go to and not feel judged or rejected.
  14. Welp, the bf stopped talking to me. It's been over a week since we last spoke. He told me he was going to get tested too, but he isn't talking to me so I don't know what he results were.. This is someone who claimed to "love and care" about me very much. I guess not that much right? The past week has been very rough for me..1st the hsv1 stuff followed by being rejected by someone I love....
  15. Thanks so much! I can sit here and try to to remember all the little details..and "what-ifs", but that just contributes to the mental stuff. I guess I just have to wait and see if or when I get an outbreak and go from there to take the special precautions I'll have to take from here on out. But yes, if it turns out to be gentially, then if def came from my bf...which is a catch 22/bittersweet in itself. Again, thanks for responding. It helps :)
  16. It was an IGG antibody type specific test. I'm definitely worried he doesn't have it and will leave. But I'm sure I'll be ok (emotionally). Thanks for the comments.
  17. No, I haven't told him about the kiss in April..we were together at that point. I just recently thought about it when I signed up for this forum. My main concern or "fear" is that my bf didn't give it to me and when his test results come back,, they will be negative and he won't want to be with me anymore. On the flip side, we are long distance so idk what he could have been up to. you're right about sharing drinks, even though I've tried to think of every moment that I may have done that, I can't remember if I did...or didn't. I'm usually pretty good about not drinking after people, but you never know. My other concern is that, b/c I haven't had an outbreak, orally or down below, I don't know where the virus is , if that makes sense.
  18. Hi @nothingGoodGetsAway, I did have a test for hsv1 and 2 back in June b/c I asked for it. It was negative. But you're right, it's normally not included in std testing.
  19. I'm 29. He's 30. I've read that most people get it as children, but if that were the case for me, wouldn't i have tested positive for it before now?
  20. I guess I'm somewhat playing into the stigma surrounding herpes period: gonna be alone forever, no one is going to want me, etc.. In addition to not knowing who I got it from since my test was negative in June. It doesn't help that my current guy has been distant since I told him. My NP said I didn't have to tell him b/c it's HSV 1. But that's just not how I roll... I know some days will be good & others not-so-good.
  21. I guess was hoping for more insight/advice on my concerns from other users. Today was extremely hard :'(
  22. Thank you @2Legit2Quit for your response. This is all new to me do anything helps.
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