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The emotional part seems to be the worst of it

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Who else struggles more with their emotions when they have an outbreak?


I can't really complain about my herpes physically that much. I've had herpes for four years now. Most ob's are one spot at the time, and in the last year there were always at least a few months in between ob's.

Can't complain much about about social support or romantic insecurities either. I've been with my boyfriend for over two years and we can openly talk about it.


However, my outbreaks seem to go together with mental/emotional breakdowns. Even with small outbreaks, I tend to feel unhappy / emotional / clingy / restless but tired / insecure about many (non-herpes related) things I do. I'm not a total mess but just cannot feel at peace with myself. (I guess it sounds a little like girls on their period, but I never had that.)


Can anyone relate to this?

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