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Suppressive Thearpy

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I was just diagnosed the end of Feb and had an intial episode start the day after I went in to get tested bc a fwb had got a positive result and he we'd hooked up a couple times. Anyways, so my doctor decided that I should have meds on hand but not do suppressive until we see how my body would react. So this is three months now and my hormones always go wacky 2weeks before my period prior to this and now seems like everymonth so far I've had symptoms in conjunction with it. Right after my inital episode I had 1small bump and symptoms and the last 2months I felt iffy so took a couple days of meds and nothing showed up. But this time I kinda felt iffy but wasn't sure and waited to take meds and have 2tiny bumps down there. This is soooo annoying I know it could be worse and its not like anyone can see or knows but still. Have anyother women gone the suppressive meds route bc of your period or does it seem like thats what I should do or maybe just take 1a day 2weeks out from ny period every month but not daily. Sorry for rambling I'm on my lunch break. Also im so glad to have found this forum it's been such a help and made me realize this is a bump (lol excuse me I couldn't help it) in the road.

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I would go ahead and ask for anti viral daily. I'm in menopause now, but my period did bring on outbreaks when I was first diagnosed. Hormones can definitely have an affect. At least give it a go for a couple of months to see if it helps. It's actually pretty safe.

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No, not always, but often enough to take notice. Possibly because my periods were soooo painful and I guess the pain likely brought on the ob's. It did and does get less in time as the longer you have this. The less outbreaks you will have. If you look at some of my posts you will see I've had this over 30 yrs. Got it at age 23 and I'm 58 now. Mind you, a very, very fit 58. I weight train 5 days a week and pull a weight sled up hill on the other two days. I've always been a workout fanatic which really helps with H (my opinion) and get enough rest!!!

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