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How I Am Surviving My First Outbreak

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Greetings, readers.


About three weeks ago at this precise time, I was having sex with a friend whom I'd discussed having sex with for over six months prior to it happening. On the evening, he invited me over for pasta and kissed me in the kitchen while we made it. We ate, watched a movie and talked for a bit, then had sex. I'm generally a very tightly-packed girl, so his being larger than I expected ended up in a very unpleasant sexual encounter during which I had to fake an orgasm just to get him to finish. That was the day of exposure.


After Exposure:


Day 1: Uncomfortable but more in a "he-was-too-big" kind of way. Still able to get home and attend work comfortably. That night, stood in the rain for an hour to get into a concert venue.


Day 2: Horribly ill. Hardly able to move. At this point, I'm chalking it up to the rain incident and assume I've gotten ill because of that.


Day 3: My ex visits me on this day, but I'm not too keen to interact. Still very fatigued. Typical flu symptoms.



Day 4: Still sick, but feeling well enough to go out on a date that evening.


Day 5: Not a good idea to go on the date. Feel very ill again. Spend majority of day sleeping. My ex assists me with some work and I go to bed early.


Day 6: Unable to attend work. Entire body is in pain. I go to the doctor and am diagnosed with Bronchitis. She prescribes a lot of rest.


Day 7: Another bed day.


Day 8: Itching. I've had yeast infections before, so I'm not too bothered about it. But damn, it's annoying.


Day 9: More itching.


Day 10: Still more itching, a lot of pain and a fight with the ex. I'm under a lot of stress and end up sleeping in ex's arms that night. No sexual contact was made.


Day 11: It's at this point that I find the blisters, and I start thinking along the lines of herpes. I sit down most of the time to avoid scratching in public. That night, I read up a lot about herpes and sleep with tissues next to me to avoid scratching with my bare hands and spreading. I try the Baking Soda suggestion, but this causes me too much pain and so I clean it off again. I have stopped wearing underwear, as it is too painful.


Day 12: I spent most of this day in the bath and am now in full blown pain. The blisters on my vagina have burst open and it is now painful to urinate or sit up in bed. I remedied this by sitting backwards on the toilet, or urinating in the shower under a direct flow of warm water. I sleep on my back and prop a pillow underneath my buttocks to raise that part of my body from the mattress. I drink aspirin every few hours.


Day 13: My vaginal blisters have healed by this point, but my anal blisters have burst open. There is no longer itching and I am glad for this, but I am unable to stand for long periods of time. As a small-built woman, my buttocks are very firm and therefore any blisters are constantly pushed against one another. It helps to sit on my haunches to "open myself up" every now and then. I am able to wear underwear again. Sitting backwards on the toilet still helps a lot and regular baths are great. I start sleeping on my stomach with wide legs to allow airflow and relief.


Day 14: Zero vaginal pain. Urinating hurts only when the liquid touches the back parts of my vagina near to where my anal blisters are. I am able to walk a bit more, but sitting is still painful at times. Sleeping has become easier. I still drink aspirin every now and then when the pain becomes unbearable. I am still off sick from work, but am trying to work from bed.


It's only Day 14, but I'm hoping that I'll be back on my feet and fully-functional soon. Judging on how quickly the initial sores healed, I have high hopes for the second (anal) ones.

Being on my back for this long is tiring and discouraging, and I'm still angry at my friend for not informing me of his status (which he was aware of), but I'm ready to take on my life as fully as I did before I was exposed to this.


To summarize, this is what helped me and this is what didn't:


Baking Soda:

- Didn't help me. Caused a lot of pain.


Eucalyptus Oil:

- mixed it into a bath three times. Stung initially, but helped to soothe afterwards.


Tea Tree Oil:

- I applied it and then dried the applied areas immediately. I think this could have helped break the blisters quicker.



- I used an effervescent aspirin and it worked almost instantly.



- I kept my diet as normal as I could. As an athlete, I'm generally a very healthy eater. Carbs to a healthy moderate. Dairy low. Greens and proteins high.



- Water, Tea, Orange Juice. If you have effervescent vitamins, take those too!



- For vaginal sores, sleep on your back with a pillow under your buttocks.

- For anal sores, sleep on your front with your legs spread open OR sleep on your back with your legs bent to lift your buttocks from the mattress slightly. Get comfortable.



- Cotton. Sores stick, and they'll stick mostly to nylon, silk or any of those other niceties. It's time to break out the granny panties. As loose as possible. No frills on the sides. Just comfy.


Bathroom Breaks

- If you can save it for the shower or bath, do that.

- if you can't, remove your pants and sit backwards on the toilet to redirect the flow away from your main vaginal area.

- PAT dry.

- If you pooped, it's best to shower after to avoid painful wiping.


What to keep near you in bed:

- Tissues (SOFT) for itching. Don't use your bare hands, and don't double-Dab. Throw away after one wipe.

- Water. As much as it sucks going to the bathroom at this stage, the more water you drink, the quicker the entire process will be. Drinking more water will also dilute your urine so that it won't burn as much.

- Aspirin.

- Work/A Book/Movie/Series - it's best to keep busy.


I'll be updating this thread with more suggestions every day, especially the day that this first outbreak ends.


My love and best wishes to all those who are suffering - you do not suffer alone. I hope this guide can help you.




I've been unable to visit the doctor yet. But the actual sores have only been present for 4 days today, and are mostly healed, so I'm not too worried.

  • 2 months later...

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