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Has anyone used the Lifestyle Guide/Private Coaching and how has it affected you if you have?

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Hello all,

The Lifestyle Guides sound really amazing and I know they are not available at the moment which is too bad. If you've used them, how did it affect your view of yourself? Did it affect you? Did it make positive impact in your life? How have things changed for you?


Thank you in advance for sharing!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey! I have completed the first one -- the one that focuses on self-love and acceptance and all that. I was in a really dark and scary place when I started and I was so desperate for something to help me figure out how to deal. Anyway, I realized as I got through the lessons, I started focusing less on herpes and more on self discovery in general. It helped me take the focus on my selfish view of self-pity and really dig into myself. I highly recommend it and I look forward to continuing through the rest of the guides.


It's something I probably wouldn't have spent the time on otherwise, so in a way it makes me kind of grateful I got to have that experience. Don't get me wrong, I still have my days where I feel that same shame that took me to that dark scary place, but some of the things I learned about myself in the first lifestyle guide help me bounce back.


After completing the first guide, I noticed a huge difference in the way that I treat myself. After my diagnosis I felt so worthless and was incredibly hard on myself. Anytime anything good would happen, I would always remind myself that I have herpes or that I was unlovable and bla bla bla, we all know the rest. Since completing the guide, I don't invite those thoughts in. Sure, they absolutely come up, but the leave as soon as they arrive because I'm practicing self-love and you simply don't speak to someone you love that way.


I cannot recommend it enough! Take care :)

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Thank you for letting me know your thoughts on the guides! It's much appreciated. I'm looking forward to when they are available again. Sorry to hear that things were so difficult at first. I know the struggle. I'm sure the vast majority of us do. Thank you for sharing that here. And it sounds like the guides have helped a ton for you! That's great, positive news!


I know I've struggled with beating myself up all my life. And this just added to it. Though it's something I've been working on and improving every day. I'm glad to hear something similar with you! So amazing to hear you being loving and accepting of yourself just as you are in this moment!


Best of luck to you and thank you again for sharing.



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