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Newly Diagnosed and Struggling

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I just got my diagnosis of HSV2 a month ago and it is a recent infection. I have an idea who gave it to me and we used a condom. I had one outbreak and am on Valtrex for suppression. It was the most painful, horrible experience of my life. My doctor was amazing and basically said a lot of good people happen to have herpes. She was very real about the statistics and facts of the disease that are consistent with what I've seen posted here. I am struggling with acceptance that is it just a skin condition and I haven't disclosed yet bc I am terrified of the response. I don't really know what to do now or how to resume my regular sex life. I need to know I'm not alone and how to disclose to potential partners.

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Guest LetsBeAwesome

Sounds exactly like my story...except you seem to have a better doctor (mine just called me, told me my diagnosis, and ended with "have a good one"). :)


I'm about 6 months in since my diagnosis, and yes, the stigma is the worst part by far...but it won't be the stigma that drives you nuts, its the made up conversations, dialogues, and inner thoughts in your own head, that will ultimately be responsible for holding you back. I've only begun to remedy this by discussing with a life coach, a NEW (and awesome) doctor, my aunt...looking forward to disclosing to a buddy. I would say start getting counseling early on. I feel like I am getting back to where I was mentally and emotionally.


I posted this a while back:



And hippyherpy has a ton of good info posted, helpful for disclosing: https://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/profile/26656/hippyherpy

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