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Confused by results and symptoms

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About 6 months ago I went to a doctor because I had a couple of small, flat canker like sores in my mouth and on my tongue, which I've had before (never had a blister on my lip to my recollection), which coincided with one small flat "canker" like sore on my genitals (I'm a woman so I couldn't see it, but felt is and it was completely flat - not raised like a blister).


I should add that I have been *completely* celibate and single for 6 years, and this is the first time I ever get anything like this.


I had IGM and IGG tests done (I know IGG are the ones to count). I am unsure how to interpret the results though - the first doctor said he thought the IGG was negative (the values below are shown as fractions as opposed to a ratio), and also the first column has my results, and they were the only thing written in red, and the word 'negative' is written above the values, which was originally in red too, so I assumed it was the interpretation of my overall results.


I got a second interpretation from an infectious disease specialist and she thought the results "seemed to indicate" both HSV1 and 2, but she added that the description of my symptoms were not "typical" for herpes.


So here I am about ready to disclose to a new person I have been dating, and I went back to look at my results and read the word 'negative' in red and it has sent me into a tailspin of doubt and anxiety...


I've also been reading online tonight that there are other causes of 'aphthous' ulcers on the genitals, and something called 'non-sexually acquired genital ulcers" that often coincide with oral ulcers. I was also tested for Bechet's disease and results were definitely negative there.


I don't want false hope, but can anyone tell me if the results below could be negative for HSV2 in particular? Could it be a false positive given I supposedly also have HSV1 and there can be cross-reactivity? Any help would be much appreciated.


My results are below:


s: Negative Negative (Ref limit)

HSV I, IgG, Serum 1/80 Titre < 1/40

HSV I, IgM, Serum <1/10 Titre < 1/10

HSV II, IgG, Serum 1/80 Titre < 1/40

HSV II, IgM, Serum <1/10 Titre 1/10



Trying to post the results again for better clarity (not sure if this will work):


s Negative Negative (Ref limit)

HSV I, IgG, Serum 1/80 Titre < 1/40

HSV I, IgM, Serum <1/10 Titre < 1/10

HSV II, IgG, Serum 1/80 Titre < 1/40

HSV II, IgM, Serum <1/10 Titre 1/10


Lab called to say my results for IGG HSV1 & 2 are both above normal range, so positive. Waiting to have a swab done later today... :(


It must be beyond frustrating to get unclear and conflicting answers. I would sit down with the doctor and (a) ask for the index values (a numerical number) for the IGG tests, and (b) ask for clarification as to why you're getting both negative and positive results. I'm sorry you're going through this.

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