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That may sound bad but let me say I don't care. Your girl still needs the D. Anywho, I've been talking to a guy a little over a month now. We hung out once in December then I went to Florida for a week and was working money back up after the trip so didn't see him until last week and then last night. Well he stayed the last two times and naturally there was no sex *eye roll* but this morning I got brave and shared my pretty little story about my cute little sores. He wouldn't take any bait and guess like I've had most guys do to some degree. Had to straight up say it but he was nice about it and I told him it's totally understandable if you don't want to come back. He said he would like to and that he's just a little nervous to "do something" which is pretty natural I think. Sounds like a good start to me :)

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