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So I have found out I have genital herpes about 2 weeks ago because I have been dealing with my first outbreak which has been hell. I contracted it from my husband who has oral hsv 1 but conveniently was also cheating on me at the same time I broke out so I found out about that as well. I believe I am hsv 1 as well but not sure exactly as my results came back with false negatives for both types because I am also immunocompromised, so I have to repeat in 4-6 weeks.


My questions are

1-If you have hsv 1 genitally then can you have more than one outbreak down there since its not hsv2?

2-If hsv 1 genital spreads to another genital area does it then become hsv 2 or is it still hsv 1?

3-Since I have hsv 1 will i also have it orally?


Thanks for your help.


HSV1 and HSV2 are different strains. So HSV1 is always HSV1 whether orally or genitally. Same goes for HSV2.

1-in my experience, yes you can have more than 1 outbreak of HSV1 genitally and it can move around within the "down there" area. Example- thigh to buttock to lower spine to groin

2- No it's always HSV1 no matter where it is. You would have to get tested to know for sure which strain you have. Most likely 1 since that's what your husband has.

3- Not necessarily. It tends to stay in the primary site of infection. So if you have it genitally, you probably wont show symptoms orally. Your body is producing antibodies that lower the risk of catching it in another area. That doesn't mean to go kissing someone with an active cold sore.


I hope that helps answer your questions.

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