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I'm Scared

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Ok so I was diagnosed with HSV II and I still haven't come to terms with it but dealing with it day by day. I am seeing someone and he knows about my situation and right now he is ok with it. Today I noticed that that I had small bumps on my lips but they are more so on the inside but right on the line between the meat and my lips. he bumps are not white and again I wasn't diagnosed with HSV I only HSV II, and also me and the guy that I am dating have been kissing most recent was yesterday. What could those bumps be can I have breakouts on my lips if I have HSV II.

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Yes, HSVI and HSVII can be in either places. However, HSVI prefers the head area and HSVII the boxer shorts area.


With all that said relax, 80% of the population has HSVI and 25% has HSVII, of that 25% up to 90% don't know they have it because they get little or no symptoms. Herpes has an unwarranted stigma, when in fact it really isn't a big deal for the majority of people. Every year people die from the Flu, and yet they are afraid of Herpes and it doesn't kill you.


There are 8 types of herpes, Chicken Pox and Shingles is caused by one. And everyone pretty much has 1 if not 3 types of herpes in there system.


This video should put your mind at ease.


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