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Diagnosed a few days ago.. isolated and scared

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Hi everyone. I'm a 23 year old female who was just recently diagnosssnwith GHSV. I'm not sure which Strain it is, as I'm waiting for the cultures to come back. I'm really scared, and this is my third day into my first outbreak. When I first found out. I went to the ER bc I felt very sick, not well, and had the red bumps on my private area. I left the hospital with a few scripts, including antivirals, and a deep feeling of loneliness, embaressment, and grief. I cried for almost two days, straight. I didn't leave bed because the emotional pain was so over whelming. My first outbreak has certainly been uncomfortable, but I'm struggling More with the shock/sadness of first finding our. I have read some posts on here, and this website is one of the only resources that has helped me to get out of bed. Some posts make me feel like it really isn't goig to be a big deal once I develope more antibiotics against my virus, but then my mind gets the best of me and I start to panic about 1. Being alone forever 2. Disclosing to other potential partners. 3. That I'll never have kids because no one will want me etc. I know I may sound over dramatic but I'm struggling so much with these negative thoughts. If anybody has any positive or inspirational or just some facts to share, I would truly appreciate anything at all.


Thank you for reading and thank you for being part of this community bc it has already helped me



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Hi, Nikki, and welcome! You are definitely not alone. I think most of us can relate to how you are feeling right now, which is very normal. I found it helpful to spend some time literally going through the grieving process, but after seven months I knew I was feeling stuck in it and reached out to a counselor, which was also immensely helpful.


One of the things that really helped me was to know how prevalent HSV is....




....and to learn more about the virus. This handbook is a great place to start (although I also highly recommend Warren's full book)....




These forums, of course, are also a godsend. Nothing beats hearing from others who are dealing with the same thing. Aside from time and education, taking good care of myself (exercise, eating well, reducing stress, doing activities I enjoy, practicing gratitude, etc....all of the things that help me manage any kind of stressor) have done wonders for helping me bounce back emotionally. It's an ongoing process, but I can tell you that the way you feel today is both normal and won't last forever. {{{hugs}}}

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