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Tested positive for type 1 doctor said it looks like I have had it for a while ( didn't explain how she got to this conclusion) I have never had a visible sore that I can remember but I guess that explains why every once in a while a feel this tingling sensation around my upper lip.

Should I even disclose this to possible future partners ?


What led you to be tested, @It_doesn't_define_us?


I have both HSV1 and HSV2. I'm guessing the HSV1 is oral since statistically that's most likely but I've never had a cold sore and I'll never know for sure. Since I'll be disclosing HSV2 anyway, no reason not to throw in HSV1 too while I'm at it. I personally wouldn't disclose oral HSV1 for kissing--the majority of adults have it, after all. But from reading these forums and learning how rapidly the prevalence of genital HSV1 is rising, I can see value in disclosing oral HSV1 when giving someone else oral sex is involved.

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