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Constant outbreaks-does it get better?

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I've had this for 1.5 years now and although the outbreaks aren't as severe, they're still constant and always feel something whether it be a tingly feeling, burning nerve pain, or blisters. Does it eventually get less frequent? I'd be at peace having this disease if it would go away for a few weeks and come back every so often but mine is chronic. Valtrex reduces the severity but not frequency. Just wondered if anyone else had this experience and over time it got better. Thank you.




You can switch to acyclovir. When I was on a Valtrex, I was having constant symptoms. Now, with acyclovir and a strong immune system they are gone. For some reason my body responded better to acyclovir.


Hi JaneDoe, what did you do to boost your immune system? I'm having repeat outbreaks and looking for some advice to minimise them. I'm on suppressive aciclovir treatment now but still having intense outbreaks.

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