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3 weeks after primary outbreak


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Hey guys, I am a male in late thirties and probably got GHSV from a one night stand. A little over 4 weeks ago I had protected sex but unprotected oral sex and noticed blisters on my scrotum and base of penis about 10 days after. I also noticed discoloration on penis and non blister discolored bumps on the glans of penis sometimes. At the 2 week mark since possible exposure, the urgent care doctor gave me Valtrex and said it was Herpes even though blood test came out negative (will take blood test again at the 3 month mark). Blisters on scrotum went away after 2 weeks of Valtrex except there is still sporadic discoloration on the glans of the penis and I still burn and itch in the general genital area, especially from scrotum. My dermatologist gave me hydrocortisone cream to relieve the burn and itch but how long should I expect the burn and itching and sporadic discoloration of penis glan to continue? I also noticed sporadic irritation or slight pain on the inside of penis that has been making me uncomfortable. Has anyone else had this reaction to GHSV and how long will it last until I feel normal again? I have been in depression mode so far. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Hey so.. I'm also new to this but I personally have a the same feeling inside my urethra and it doesn't seem to completely go away. Sometimes it's better than others but it feels like I have what's called herpetic urethritis. Also I think I might have some herpetic prostatitis. Who knows with this virus. Valtrex is great but doesn't completely rid the virus. I take a suppressive dose of 50p mg 2 x a day and when things feel weird down below I take an extra one. That usually seems to do the trick. I take a lot of epsom salt baths and use cold packs and ibuprofen when it gets intense. I've noticed that it's always worse in the evenings and better after sleep. I recommend going to a sexual health Dr. Who can run all the tests and inform you about what your experiencing. My GO is good but doesn't much about gshv. I have gshv2 which was diagnosed via a swab 2 months ago and I think my first outbreak was about 6 months ago. So 3 outbreaks in 6 months for me. I have the tingles almost like a bug crawling on my scrotum or like a hair is being flicked and then I notice pain ij n the head of my penis. I have never had any vesicles appear except for the first outbreak and I wasntnon valtrex then. Anyways good luck best to you! Keep your self clean and dry and relax! It helps I swear! People live with much worse diseases and viruses. YOU CAN do this I promise!


Clear36, thank you so much for your help and advice! I am taking this awful virus day by day and trying to look at the bright side of things. I will make an appointment with a urologist to see what is going on (that is a Sexual Health doctor right?). And thank you for the tip about not using hydrocortisone cream, was that what your doctor told you not to do too? For herpetic urethritis and prostatitis, what treatments have you taken and is there a cure? Thanks again!


My genital burn and itching is actually most noticeable when I wake up but do not really feel it when I am doing something physical like working out or swimming.


So as far as the hydrocortisone cream is concerned it works because it blocks histamines which in return doesn't allow your body to build an immune response to the site. As far as the "cure no unfortunately their is not one at this time. And as far as a sexual health doctor. I mean lime planned parenthood or an infectious disease Dr. They are most adept at the knowledge of herpes and sti's

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