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4th and 6th week 10 panel std test negative after exposure.. need some help

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Hello, about 7 weeks ago I had unprotected sex with a girl I was seeing for about 15 seconds tops till I got off and said we should wait. The first day we were intimate she just kissed/licked my cheek while I fingered her. 2nd day same thing but she licked my fingers after I fingered her and then we kissed. 3rd day we had unprotected sex for like 15 seconds like I said. I was paranoid as I have anxiety issues that I got off and washed my self off.. I also wiped myself with alcohol. ( yes I know but I'm paranoid about things like that ). So I tell her before we continue I wanna get us tested so I'm negative for all and she comes back positive for herpes 1 and 2. Igg 1 3.22 and igg 2 4.20. Fast forward 2-3 weeks I had a very small dark red spot with 2 tiny tiny bumps on my penis ( I'd say 3/4 up my penis ) but goes away in 2-3 days. It didn't itch nor did it hurt. No pus or anything like that or pain while urinating. 4th week comes along and I get tested for all and I'm negative for everhing but somehow positive for hep b. I start freaking out and after a conclusive hep b test. It's ruled out to be a false positive. Hep b foundation said the first test I took is prone to false positives. Keep in mind these 4 weeks I've been extremely stressed and my anxiety is through the roof. I've also had a sore throat ever since kissing her that comes and goes but is already healing up. ( not sure if it's my anxiety / excessive stress causing all of these symptoms ). 6 weeks comes and my doc says after this 6 week test rest assured that you're good. So I take a full 10 panel test for everything including hiv 4th gen duo, herpeselect Elisa for 1 and 2 and everything else and it comes back negative for all. I haven't had any ob's whatsoever.


Do I have it? How long should I wait for another test? 2 doctors have told me I shouldn't worry about it anymore and that I'm good. Should I take their word for it?


I know many will say well it takes antibodies can take up to 16 weeks to show BUT after talking to doctors who specialize in stds they told me for example 95% of patients who get exposed to hiv are detectible within 4 weeks. He said he had a guy that tested positive after 12 days after a hiv exposure. Time and time again he's had patients show up positive very quickly using the hiv 4th gen duo test. And a few other doctors have told me the same. CDC will soon be changing their 90 day hiv conclusive statement to 28 days conclusive as many doctors and hiv specialists are agreeing.


So why wouldn't it work the same with herpes if it's a virus just like any other. Sure it's not as severe as hiv I know but still.


Thanks for any help!


Also like to say the two little bumps mentioned above were inside the tiny red spot. Like I said they could of just been my skin but I'm not sure. I should of taken a pic.


I can't say whether you have it of course, but I would recommend retesting at 16 weeks with an IgG blood test. If for nothing else then your peace of mind!


@LM2, were you truly referring to HIV in the latter paragraph of your post? Or did you mean HSV?


It's been the personal experience of many on these forums that doctors are not well educated about HSV. Terri Warren, a herpes expert, says in her book (and quotes the source there) that after 3 weeks following infection, 50% of people will test positive on the IgG blood test. After 6 weeks, 70% will test positive. It's not until a full16 weeks after exposure that virtually everyone infected will test positive on the IgG. That's because everyone's bodies produces antibodies (what the blood test tests for) at different rates.


Many doctors tell you not to worry about it because ultimately HSV is a nuisance skin condition which cannot be cured, doesn't have recognizable symptoms in most people, and it has a terrible stigma.


Clearly, you're worried. The only way to be sure you dont have HSV is to retest with an IgG blood test at 16 weeks post-exposure. The only way to avoid getting HSV is to never kiss or have sex with anyone ever again unless all future partners definitively test negative for both strains (keeping in mind the IgG misses nearly 10% HSV1 infections and up to 2% of HSV2 infections, and only the more expensive and harder to get western blot test would say for sure).


I know the waiting is hard. We've all been there. In this meantime, this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about HSV and these forums are a great place to start.


Sorry I'm referring to HSV. I was just stating that while hiv 4th gen tests are considered conclusive at 28 days for most hiv specialists and doctors. Why isn't hsv picked up as accurately and as quickly as something like HIV? That's what I was saying.


But yes thank you for the help. I've made my peace, it's just the suspense of it all is messing with me.


HSV is picked up accurately by the western blot test. But because the western blot is only done at the University of Washington and is rather expensive, it makes sense to use a cheaper, more accessible test that picks up 91% of HSV1 infections and 98% of HSV2 infections. IMHO, no one is rushing to make a better test for HSV because there's no money to be made there. The CDC recommends against regular testing in the absence of symptoms and most requests for HSV testing come from a symptomatic individual--a very small percentage of the population.

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