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Diagnosed a month, need help understanding, very mentally affected

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I’m trying to understand what is happening. My first signs of herpes came almost immediately after sex with my ex. I had a patch or rash on my leg and two to three days later I had a blister pop easily on my outer right lip. No itch. No pain. I stung my patch on my leg with bees. Yes, live bees. I’ve used bees for antimicrobial medicine for Chronic Lyme in the past. So I know it’s efficacy works. The patch on my leg healed quickly but I was afraid to sting the blister. I was using natural therapies like monolauricin, lysine, black seed oil, Vitamins, and lemon balm. I had tincture and the topical oil. Everything was healing, but then it got inflamed and felt like it was spreading to the other side? I thought I was keeping everything clean and dry, I was using tea tree and Melissa (lemon balm) oil. The itch also started, it was unbearable for a few days and I then started to take the valtrex they gave me. I tested positive IGG for HSV 1 and 2 vaginally, but I got swabbed and the lip lesion only tested positive for HSV 2.


I know I’ve even stressed, I thought I was doing better but then I mentally took a dip. I developed a fever after 3 valtrex pills so I stopped that. Many in my beevenom group say they get sick when they do bee venom and valtrex at the same time because they act in an opposite manner. Valtrex suppresses and bee venom makes illness acute to treat it.


It now seems like the itch is subsiding but I’m having small red bumps spread outwards. Is this a continuation of the first initial outbreak? Or is this another separate?


I got symptoms 9/1 and got tested immediately, got my results 9/7, my ex wouldn’t get tested until tomorrow. Is it possible for me to develop antibodies only 3-5 days after being with my ex (assuming he is the one who infected me)?? Or do you think I had this before and it just became active after sex with my ex? Is it possible to test negative on IGG if I’ve been a carrier but asymptomatic? I got tested 2 years ago and was negative.


I’m trying to determine who gave this to me because I was raped in July. If he gave it to me I would feel l could press charges


My appetite is so low, I was doing ok but I’m losing so much weight over the stress of all this. I’m torn on how to treat because I don’t want to suppress this anymore. My original outbreak seemed so minor, I thought the first ones were the worst and they can only get better? But it seems to be getting worse. I have a complicated immune system due to Chronic Lyme for 16 years, my body takes a while to heal and manifest symptoms at times. I just want to understand more about how my body might be manifesting and healing or not healing from this.



I got symptoms 9/1 and got tested immediately, got my results 9/7, my ex wouldn’t get tested until tomorrow. Is it possible for me to develop antibodies only 3-5 days after being with my ex (assuming he is the one who infected me)?? Or do you think I had this before and it just became active after sex with my ex? Is it possible to test negative on IGG if I’ve been a carrier but asymptomatic? I got tested 2 years ago and was negative.


Hi, @jdakota84. I’m sorry to read that you’re experiencing so much pain. I’m afraid can’t speak to your physical symptoms as I have not had a similar experience, but I do hope that your symptoms start to improve very soon.


It’s possible to acquire herpes and show symptoms within 3-5 days of having sex with someone. Whether or not your body develops antibodies that quickly is another story—I don’t know. What we do know is that some people develop antibodies quickly, but it can take up to 16 weeks for everyone who has herpes to develop enough antibodies to test positive on the IgG blood test.


It is possible to have the virus for a long time with no symptoms, then to have a noticeable outbreak years later. It definitely happens.


The blood tests cannot tell you *where* you have the virus, only that you have it. For example, I tested positive on the IgG (and later the western blot) for HSV1 and HSV2. I’ve never had a cold sore, and my genital outbreaks are so mild that the swab tests come back inconclusive. I’ll probably never know for sure where I have each type of virus, so I just remind myself that statistically speaking, it’s most likely that I have oral HSV1 and genital HSV2.


Since you've already tested positive for both types by blood test, I’m afraid there’s no way to know when you acquired the viruses or from whom unless every one of your partners (since your last negative test) tests negative except for one person.


Generally speaking, its not possible to test negative on the IgG but still have the virus. I say generally, because Terri Warren says the IgG has a false negative rate for HSV2 of 2% and a false negative rate of 9% for HSV1. The swab tests are very accurate.


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