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HSV 2 w a condom ?

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I'm about 99.9% sure I got hsv 2 w a condom, when I did got my first initial and worse outbreak months possibly years after I caught it I got 2 lesions one on each side of my labia , does that mean the inside of my vagina is infected as well even though I didn't get the lesions inside of my vagina , like I know herpes is not orignally coming from semen or vaginal fluids only if a lesion was present inside but is it only the areas I got the lesions is contagious ?


Hi, @Lifegoesonn. I also got HSV2 from a partner when using a condom (probably from skin-to-skin genital contact before the condom went on). If you have HSV2, you can have asymptomatic shedding from anywhere on your genitals, no matter where you have outbreaks. The virus lives in a group of nerves at the base of your spine. When it decides to travel along a nerve pathway and exit the body, it either does so silently without symptoms, or it creates an oubreak. It can change its mind anytime about which nerve pathway to use.


A great resource for basic information about HSV can be found in this short handbook: https://www.westoverheights.com/herpes/the-updated-herpes-handbook/

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