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healing has left a red spot, contagious?


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Hi everyone.


this is once again troubling me. I had an outbreak, its healed, i have zero symptoms. no tingles, stings itches or bumps. no scabs ulcers or blisters, no fevers, aches, pulling sensations. not a thing. EXCEPT for this little red spot. said little red spot can be touched poked prodded rubbed etc with no pain discomfort or anything out of the ordinary. It has been there symptom free for 3 or so days now. not changing, just chillin.


Time line of events,

tuesday night (late) predome started

wednesday lunch blisters appeared

wednesday night, popped those suckers cause they heal faster

thursday discomfort and ulcers

friday discomfort subsided dramatically

saturday ulcers almost gone, no discomfort or symptoms.

sunday - didn't even look at myself cause nothing felt out of order.

monday - feeling completely healed, holding off intimate contact to be sure

fast forward to today, feeling good, like maybe safe. grab the mirror and theres a red

spot. no symptoms.. just a spot. i've poked pulled squeezed you name it to see if i could see any ulceration or

anything and nada.


Would you call this contagious? Spoke to 13HEALTH and naturally they said there is no way to call it one or the other with out and inspection and/or swab(nothing to swab though go figure)


I just want to know when i can love my man again :'(

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