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Please help me!

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Hi everyone I hope someone can help. I had a two minute sexual encounter with a sex worker 5 weeks ago. I have not had any blisters show up and did not have any symptoms until I started reading about Herpes. I took PCR test 4 weeks post exposure which they say is very accurate at 4 weeks 97-99% and it came out negative . I work at a physically demanding job and slept on a really hard mattress one night and woke up with lower back pain and mild pain in both thighs. Could I have herpes I just seen a rash on the crease between my pelvis and thigh however I had gotten them before because of my job. Can someone please help? My anxiety and stress levels have been hard to control since my encounter.

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If you don't have an active lesion you'll have to sit tight and get an antibody test in a few months once your body has had time to build antibodies to the virus. Chances are you did not contract HSV from your encounter. I understand that you're very concerned but try to relax and move on with your life. Many discordant couples (one partner has HSV and one does not) go many years or even a lifetime without the HSV- partner ever catching it. Relax. Take a deep breath, statistically speaking your chances are very small. Also keep in mind that HSV isn't even that big of a deal anyway. In fact it's so innocuous that the majority of people who have it done even have symptoms.

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