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I feel uncomfortable!!

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Ok so I had sex like a week and a half ago and I was fine right after. I felt okay. Some days later I started to feel really uncomfortable but now I feel terrible. I have valtrex that I'm suppose to take every day but lately I haven't because I've been feeling fine and don't want my body to get immune to it. Now I'm really itchy and there's like a burning sensation. Is that apart of the outbreak?? I don't want to move or get out of bed. I just feel so uncomfortable!


I had tickling, itching, burning that started on 1/4 - 1/6. I tested for yeast and vaginosis and both negative. This is when I realized that this Yeast type feeling was really herpes. I take acyclovir 2x per day as a suppressive and it still took a month for this particular episode to subside.

When I felt it coming on, I took acyclovir 3x per day for almost 2 weeks - but finally went back to two per day as it just seemed to be on it's own path. I do not doubt that taking the suppressant helped to keep lesions at bay, as I never got any, unless inside and just didn't know, but it was never painful... just uncomfortable.


I have read a LOT and talked to docs. None feel that we will build up an immunity to drugs. Of course it's an option but from my perspective and my body and autoimmune issues, I am all for taking it to assist my body in fighting. I do hope to one day not, but for now, and dealing with this virus being present almost 3 months straight pretty well set me straight. My body needs support.


Another point: on acyclovir my doc gives me full option to take the drug as I need. 3x per day, 2x per day or not at all. SO, it's really up to you. My girlfriend does not take Anything and her first BO was INSANE and everywhere and very very aggressive. But she healed. Had sex and fun with her boyfriend and well, it came back but at a lesser level of insanity. Point being, we all are different.


Hang in there and I hope that my words helped you to feel better about taking some support or just knowing it could last a short or long while - even almost a month later, I still feel it, but underwear is more of an option again.... commando and skirts are in - just wish the weather here would allow! lol


Big Hug... I'm with you!


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