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Ongoing herpes outbreak and hypothyroid

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I'm pretty sure I posted something similar before but I am getting desperate. It's been a month since I found out I had hsv2. I'm pretty sure I've had it for years but since I've been under so much stress I had an outbreak that was noticible and that's how I found out I have it. I also have hypothyroid which is considered an immune disease. I was started on valtrex and also had a yeast infection so they gave me 2 pills for that. However now the outbreak is still there a month later and there are bumps everywhere!!! When I found out I had it I had 2 open blisters but now I have them all over and its terrible. It hurts so bad!!! How do I get this to stop?? Is this normal? It itches like crazy and burns like fire. The only thing that helps is a baking soda bath and when its bad enough I put yeast infection cream (just the anti itch one not the medication) on the outside to calm it down so I dont scratch. I thought the cream was why it wasnt healing even though none of the spots were open sores just itchy bumps so I stopped but it still hasnt gone away and I need relief fast. I havent had sex in a month and I just feel gross.

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