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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

Just Diagnosed. Extremely depressed :/

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2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with HSV1. I broke out below the belt and had one open sore on my chin as well, too. Since then I haven't been able to sleep. I've missed multiple days of work. I used to be energetic and outgoing. Lately it almost feels like life isn't even worth living anymore.


Because I had an open sore on my chin, will I be susceptible to getting more on my face in the future (ie. my lips and more noticeable areas)?


I know everyone says that so many people have this, but right now it doesn't feel like it. I am truly disgusted with myself 24/7 and I can't stop thinking about my past. I feel like my life as I know it is over. I just don't know what to do with myself. I take really good care of myself. I take my vitamins, I eat well, and I workout everyday. But now it just feels like what's the point :/

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I know what it is like to be ashamed, even disgusted.

I fell apart one day about 5 months ago in the shower, and that was really crushing.

I was so depressed, I didn't know how I would be happy again. I just knew if I kept trying to do what I always had done, I would eventually gain some perspective and find a way to deal.

About 5 months later and I have tons of accomplishment behind me to gain resilience and strength from. You find the same will be true for you.

Remind yourself that you are the same great person you have always been!

It's totally okay that you aren't thrilled about your situation, and that you need some time away from work.

You will regain your desire to go back to work, and you will start doing things you used to be good at. In the process, you will see that you haven't changed. You're just as good at the things you were two weeks ago. And still just as challenged by the things you used to struggle with.

There won't be a single difference.

Your goals and your challenges are still just as much within reach as ever.

You will begin to notice that you feel better sometimes, and those occasions will become more common until you spend days at a time feeling good about yourself and your life. Eventually, you will go weeks with other things being waaaaay more important to you than herpes. And you will feel like yourself. A self that you like.

The sooner you start doing things the way you used to two weeks ago, the sooner these realizations will happen for you.

Then you'll find that you aren't dealing with it, or surviving. You'll find that it didn't change a thing about you. It was just hard to accept yourself again.

Herpes can't change who you are. Only your decisions and choices can do that.

Focus on your goals. Focus on making your future a good one.


Sorry to find out you have joined the club.

We are all in your corner.

If you find that you have trouble steering your train of thought, seek out someone close to you for support. Or you can always post in the "herpes buddies" thread if you want some anonymous conversation.

We want you to regain your sense of self. We want to see you be successful and happy.

And we won't judge as a rule.

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