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Seeking Positivity and Guidance

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Hi All,


Recently diagnosed here (26 y/o M). I’m going through the typical range of emotions including relief that I know my diagnosis, to fear about the difficulties it may create in the future.


I am fortunate enough so have a caring girlfriend who has been very supportive about things as well as parents who have kept the diagnosis in perspective. Despite this though I can’t help but to be worried about the difficulties it may bring if my girlfriend has a change of heart or if I have to enter back into the dating pool in the future.


I would love to get some feedback, guidance, and support from individuals who have dealt with similar feelings. How have you used the diagnosis as a positive? How do you keep things in perspective? And what are the best ways to calm anxiety about it?


And information is much appreciated!

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It's really important to catch yourself when you start going down the negative thought train of the what ifs - what if this realtonship doesn't work out and i'm single again, what if i end up alone etc - it's easy to do but the more you do it the more you reinforce it and start to believe as truth. Mindfulness is important for this because it trains you to notice your thought patterns and not fuel them. EFT is great for this too - helps process emotions neurologically to release trauma and lessen anxiety.


If your gf has a change of heart, life will go on and you will find love again. I know that propsect is scary and i was terrfied each time i broke up with an ex - but i always found another guy that wanted to be with me, and my fears were groundless.


Hang in there!

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I appreciate the positive words and insight. I will definitely look into mindfulness exercises and EFT in an effort to qwell any negetive thought patterns.


I’m happy to hear you’ve been able to navigate the dating world and find meaningful connections. Did you find that it became easier to move past that fear after each experience?


I’m looking forward to taking things one step at a time. Hopefully I can use this new found diagnosis as a way to improve communication skills and intimacy with my GF and any other relationship in my life that I disclose to.


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